New Dragon Ball DS RPG Trailer

By Adam Riley 22.08.2008 6

Due out in Japan on 18th September, Bandai Namco's new Nintendo DS RPG 'Dragon Ball DS', based on the original anime series, rather than the more recent 'Z' one, is shaping up to be a very impressive looking portable title, with visuals on par with the likes of Square Enix's FF remakes.

Check out a new trailer for the game below:

With the title already confirmed for the US and Europe, fans will hopefully not have to wait long for its translated release...

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IMO, th game looks great and it's great that it's taking the gameplay style from windwaker. It'll be alot better than those legacy of goku games.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

This looks AWESOME! This will probably be the first DB game I'd really get into.

Oh god I do not like the art style...

Oh my effing God! This game looks like it has it all: the quirkiness of the original DB series, many of the scenes faithfully recreated off of the manga, an art style that does the game justice, and what looks to be intuitive touch screen based controls.

Here is hoping for a winning entry that can hopefully spawn the inevitable sequel, seeing as how, based off the video, the farthest the series goes is up to the World Martial Arts tournament.

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

TruLink said:
Oh my effing God! This game looks like it has it all: the quirkiness of the original DB series, many of the scenes faithfully recreated off of the manga, an art style that does the game justice, and what looks to be intuitive touch screen based controls.

Here is hoping for a winning entry that can hopefully spawn the inevitable sequel, seeing as how, based off the video, the farthest the series goes is up to the World Martial Arts tournament.

The game must go beyond the martial arts tourney since, goku is seen using kamehameha in a different place and the tourney was where he learned the technique.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Stulaw said:
TruLink said:
Oh my effing God! This game looks like it has it all: the quirkiness of the original DB series, many of the scenes faithfully recreated off of the manga, an art style that does the game justice, and what looks to be intuitive touch screen based controls.

Here is hoping for a winning entry that can hopefully spawn the inevitable sequel, seeing as how, based off the video, the farthest the series goes is up to the World Martial Arts tournament.

The game must go beyond the martial arts tourney since, goku is seen using kamehameha in a different place and the tourney was where he learned the technique.

Actually Goku first learns the Kamehameha during his first quest for the 7 Dragonballs. The mountain where the Ox King lives was on fire so they asked Master Roshi for help, in which he used the technique. Goku was excited and asked Roshi to teach it to him, to which Roshi said it would take 100 years of practice.

Goku ended up using it in less than 5

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

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