The Conduit GC 2008 Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.08.2008 8

It's time to whip out some new arsenal and take down some alien scum as Mr. Ford in the Wii exclusive, Conduit.

High Voltage debuted a polished trailer full of new environments to blaze through, weapons to find and use as well as some refinement to the promising control setup.

The Conduit is due to take over the world during Q1 2009.

Thanks to C3 reader Stulaw for the tip.

Box art for The Conduit

High Voltage




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (30 Votes)

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I like that they've shown new levels and new enemies, and a shotgun Smilie.

Shaping up real nice Smilie

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Stulaw said:
I like that they've shown new levels and new enemies, and a shotgun Smilie.

Shaping up real nice Smilie

Defo. Lighting looks better, same with the general feel of the game. I think some of the environment objects need improving though - more dirt and variation. Like some of those boxes look very plasticky.

Can't wait!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Guest said:
I still don't see why everyone thinks the graphics are good? Black surely had better graphics on Ps2?

Black was definitely visually impressive, but this does look a little bit more fluid/dynamic (lighting wise), but still IMO needs work on the textures and variation.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's nice that they're showing a little more new stuff.

I agree. The lighting tech looks better in The Conduit than in Black. The lighting design is more realistic in Black though. Black also has more consistent textures, and the environments are realistically dirty.

I'm still not the biggest fan of some of the art direction in this game, but if they spruce up the environment textures it would bring things together really nicely.

It's great that they continue to polish everything. I hope it turns out to be really fun. Smilie

I think it looks way better then recently.
It's a bit unfairto compare a console people ripped out possibilities to do great graphics on for 8(?) years now then on a first generation Wii-exclusive engine, but that's what people will do: Compare it to technically lower PS2, and that's legitimate.

It's coming up nicely. Lighting is great, animations seem great, too. Character modeling also. Textures need a bit variation, but I think that's the problem on Wii: low texture RAM. I hope they can improve that. Maybe use dirt maps or manage to use wider and more textures. These look a bit flat, I think that's because detailed ones with a lot of details would be more blurry, that's something I watched in a lot of other Wii games. Maybe that's the reason they stay with this art-direction.
But come on, it looks like some X360 titles. not less impressive then a whole bunch of them I remember. I.e. some Zombie-games in a mall with hundreds of zombies attacking, now ported over to Wii. Or other shooter with wide areas. Sure, it can't compare with Gears of War or Halo 3 (Normal and Bump on latter one), it sure is impressive for Wii. I am all the more sure I will get this game, since I don't own a 360 and so am a bit short on shooters.
I hope they can be an example for future games on Wii - that one I do hope since Conduit got attention!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

\"Black surely had better graphics on Ps2?\"

No, it did not.
Theres at least a dozen things this engine is pulling off that Black didnt.

They might have better artwork.

But then Okami on the PS2 has better afterwork then just about any 360 or PS3 game still.

Resident Evil 4 still looks better then so called next-gen games also, for the use of its slight noise filters and wonderfull texture work. (glossy high level normal maps dont make up for effort put into diffuse textures).

( Edited 22.08.2008 09:52 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Ironically, the footage shown in that trailer was the best yet, though the actual trailer quality (on IGN's feed, anyway) was a little sub par.

I just hope enemy AI really holds up as well as everything else seems to be.

Oh, and the shotty looks awesome.

Looks better, but there is still room for improvement.

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