Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5 Wii Bound... as Controllers

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.08.2008 14

It seems Capcom will be bringing Street Fighter and Resident Evil love to the Wii, but as game controllers.

Some of the Japanese giant's biggest projects seem to be skipping past the Wii, despite the console's dominance, but it seems that there is some love afterall. Capcom and peripheral legend Mad Catz Interactive Inc have signed a deal to bring branded controllers and accessories based on Street Fighter IV, Bionic Commando: Rearmed and Resident Evil 5 properties.

This is a real collaboration between Mad Catz and Capcom. We are developing a broad variety of game peripherals for a wide game-playing audience � from the casual to the most loyal, core fan. These innovative peripherals will maximize the overall experience that comes from playing Capcom games.

Germaine Gioia, senior vice president, licensing, Capcom.

Players will be able to waggle with Ryu and press all of Chun-Li's buttons later this year.

Thanks to MyWii.

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So they\'re bringing controllers to the Wii that have a theme based on games that aren\'t coming to the Wii? Does that make any sense at all?

( Edited 20.08.2008 02:20 by Jacob4000 )

Jacob4000 said:
So they're bringing controllers to the Wii that have a theme based on games that aren't coming to the Wii? Does that make any sense at all?

It's all about the money my friend, the money!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Ok this is weird.....or maybe thsi means RE5 and SF4 wii confirmed or what?

jb said:
Jacob4000 said:
So they're bringing controllers to the Wii that have a theme based on games that aren't coming to the Wii? Does that make any sense at all?

It's all about the money my friend, the money!

True enough, can't ever forget about that. Smilie

I wonder if this has any significance though. We'll see.

Mad Catz = voided warranty
...or any other 3rd party controller...Smilie

I really do not think they will be themed for SF4 and RE5. The Street Fighter one will have not SF4 branding and be themed for the 20th anniversary of SF I reckon. The other will be for a RE Wii game they have in development for Wii that they have not announced yet. The Bionic Commando one, for the originals release on Virtual Console.

Maybe they mean the controllers will come out with game... that wud be stupid jus for them to release the controller of the game thats not even on wii, bad marketing stratergy i say.

They will be themed for the franchise's, not the games. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Er...cheers Capcom. Smilie

This probably means versions of Street Fighter, RE and Bionic Commando are Wii-bound, then, otherwise it'd just be rubbing noses in it. Of those the only one that would currently make sense is a Resident Evil one.

I dunno, I'd rather have a Street Fighter IV themed controller than Street Fighter IV itself, so it's not all bad. Be thankful that Wii isn't getting SFIV!

Yeah, because this is what we wanted...Smilie

Yay 3rd party controllers Smilie

Nintendo should probably make Mario themed Xbox/PS controllers for teh monies.

Smilie umm ok... what dumb ass at Capcom thought this up. Providing game theme controllers for games that are exclusive to other console seems like a waste of time and money seeing as the audience they're aiming for won't be owning the games. Giving them no initiative to purchase their products.

I just can't see people buying theme controllers for games they don't own. That's like a Halo theme Dual Shock controller, it just sounds stupidSmilie. IMO I think the only way they could sell to a broader audience is if these games were to come to wii.

Linkyshinks said:
I really do not think they will be themed for SF4 and RE5. The Street Fighter one will have not SF4 branding and be themed for the 20th anniversary of SF I reckon. The other will be for a RE Wii game they have in development for Wii that they have not announced yet. The Bionic Commando one, for the originals release on Virtual Console.

Smilie Come on LS do you really think they got the names of two big franchises and a popular remake confusedSmilie If so I think someone at Capcom should be demoted.

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