Mekensleep, the creators of action puzzler Soul Bubbles, recently discussed DS development and hopes for downloadable projects.
Oliver Lejade reveals his concerns with the lack of new and innovative ideas on the dual-screened handheld, that it's "being killed by lack of originality. Most publishers are pushing crappy clones, quickly made for little money, and that's having a detrimental effect on the public, because the public doesn't know what to choose, doesn't find any good titles, so it tends to go to established, known titles and games -- Nintendo games, basically."
With less restrictions on content and shelf life, Lejade hopes for more focus on downloadable networks: "Right now, at least Steam, or PSN, or WiiWare, or whatever, or the web, basically... [is] not run by Kmart, or -- it's not the same people. So, maybe there's hope."
For more on Soul Bubbles and Mekensleep, be sure to check out the Full interview at Gamasutra.