Soul Bubbles Dev Discusses Lack of DS Originality

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.08.2008 4

Mekensleep, the creators of action puzzler Soul Bubbles, recently discussed DS development and hopes for downloadable projects.

Oliver Lejade reveals his concerns with the lack of new and innovative ideas on the dual-screened handheld, that it's "being killed by lack of originality. Most publishers are pushing crappy clones, quickly made for little money, and that's having a detrimental effect on the public, because the public doesn't know what to choose, doesn't find any good titles, so it tends to go to established, known titles and games -- Nintendo games, basically."

With less restrictions on content and shelf life, Lejade hopes for more focus on downloadable networks: "Right now, at least Steam, or PSN, or WiiWare, or whatever, or the web, basically... [is] not run by Kmart, or -- it's not the same people. So, maybe there's hope."

For more on Soul Bubbles and Mekensleep, be sure to check out the Full interview at Gamasutra.

Box art for Soul Bubbles








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (4 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date 16.07.2009   Australian release date Out now   

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well i see next to no ads for this and they dont know why it not selling on DS

but they right about crappy clones every one copying of Big N like all ways

Hey if anyone who hasn't played this great game wants to read my review of it, please do take a look.
Soul Bubbles Review (external)

Jump_button said:
well i see next to no ads for this and they dont know why it not selling on DS

but they right about crappy clones every one copying of Big N like all ways

There are ads for the game on 4Music constantly, during the night.

Awesome game, very charming. I bought it a while ago but have only started playing it properly recently, partly cos my GF stole it and I forgot about it.

( Edited 18.08.2008 12:18 by Linkyshinks )

The game looks absoloutly brilliant and original, although even with the possible ways that the touch screen can be used I think that Devs will eventuslly run out of ideas and switch to creating clones again.

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