Balls Out for Mario Super Sluggers

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.08.2008 5

It's time to whip out your Wii remote and balls for Nintendo's latest Mario sporting sim to hit the shelves.

Scoring a home-run of sports games with the porky plumber's face and friends, Mario Super Sluggers marks a return to the field using the Wii remote to throw, swing and partake in mini-game fun.

The latest gameplay snippets bring together Nintendo's trend for family approaches, smiling faces and a whole lot of Wii-remote waggling.

Box art for Mario Super Sluggers








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  3/10 (4 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Super Mario Ughhh-ers. It looks as good as the Gamecube game was going to be, that being very average.

I would rather get Baseball Stars 2 on Neo Geo VC than this, at least I know I will have great fun with that title. No Motion+ = fail, so many other games will go the same way this year because Nintendo have been idiotic in not notifying developers of plans.

Guest said:
Since when is Motion+ a \'must\' for every game? This is a baseball game. I imagine the existing Wiimote will be just fine.

Where the hell did I say it was a must for every game???.

Yes, this is a Baseball game! Smilie. A game that would naturally be vastly better with accurate 1:1 Wii Remote controls that can be applied to sphere physics!. Instead of inaccurate loose crappy ones with waggle thrown in for good measure Smilie

Where are all these guests coming from???


The game got very average scores from Nintendo official arse lickers Famitsu. 7778 = 31/40. -1 from each arse licker and you get close to a western score.

( Edited 17.08.2008 00:51 by Linkyshinks )

Linkyshinks said:

The game got very average scores from Nintendo official arse lickers Famitsu. 7778 = 31/40. -1 from each arse licker and you get close to a western score.

Well for a magazine that rates everything on a scale of 7 to 10 that\'s terrible...Smilie

( Edited 17.08.2008 01:04 by � )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Mario super suckers!!!!, well it's not that bad from reviews, but what else more can you do with a baseball game involving mario characters?

Well it looks alright but nothing amazing. As long as it's better then WiiSport's baseball. Smilie

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