Capcom Keeps Shtum on Monster Hunter for the West

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.08.2008 2

Capcom recently answered hopes for Monster Hunter 3 heading to the west, discussing plans for the franchise.

Capcom's vice president Christian Svensson was recently quizzed on the prospect of catching Monster Hunter 3 and shipping it over to Western Shores, but kept quiet, revealing that the franchise will be important in the future.

Alas, I can't share that information, but I can give the same answer I've been giving for a while and that is: 'The Monster Hunter franchise is going to be increasingly important for Western markets. We have long term ambition to grow the brand to be as large across the West as it is in Japan.'

Beyond that, I'm not yet able to give specific details. Just for reference, even for Japan, we haven't announced a date (or even a release year) for MH Tri."

The sequel to Monster Hunter 2 was brought over to Nintendo last year due to "high development cost of titles for PS3".

Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








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The PSPs second G looks awesome, but I am holding off getting it until my mate can get a copy also. I am really looking forward to this on Wii, multiplayer should be fantastic online with friends.


Monster Hunter Explained

( Edited 16.08.2008 09:57 by Linkyshinks )

Guest said:
i find it odd nothing at all was show at E3

Why should they, the series currently means nothing to western audiences.

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