Cancelled Xbox Platformer Lands on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.08.2008 9

Fancy playing as one of 3 three zany, kooky crackpots sharing a cybernetic K.O.R.E suits? Head on in if the answer is "yes".

From Snap Dragon Games comes a cancelled Xbox project injected with a bit of love and rejuvenated on Nintendo's hardware. Throughout the fictional world of "Kore" we see players using their abilities to free Dr. Samuelsen from the evil Krank Brothers.

From the looks of things it's a clean looking platformer with a funky art direction that seeps into the 6 distinct worlds and bizarre creatures to encounter. The core game and idea has been kept intact, but it appears that the Wii capabilities have been considered as a ground-up project.

A promising game, or is Kore already destined for hardcore failure?

Box art for The Kore Gang








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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I think it's promising how many abilities/mechanics they have already shown. Go complexity. I would like to see many more abilities and alternative and very different suits to swap between. And a competitive, fun multiplayer based around these suits.

I like the burton esque artstyle, the voices, sense of humour and some of the music is awesome. I think they need to be careful not to compete with mario galaxy because they will lose. The environments are looking a bit SMG esque in that they seem to be small chunks existing in their own bubble - not good.

We need more adventure elements rather than going the SMG platformer route I think. I'd like to see a dedicated and alive overworld with lots to see and people to talk to. Maybe something along the lines of BG+E.

Some mind warping (and therefore difficult puzzles) logic along the lines of psychonauts is required and some adventure style non linear exploration. The one thing it doesn't need is to feel like a series of keys unlocking doors. This ability - this obstacle, repeat. We need some scope for player experimentation and originality and exploration (basically we need a good, alive overworld).

Otherwise I'm as interested as I can be. Single player games just don't seem to have the minerals these days (unless I was to fork out for a 360 and be inevitably dissappointed).

Please bring something new to the table.

2509 2156 5486

Well at least it's a step up from cancelled PS2 projects.

Looks epic.

Can brawl anytime now.....if you want an easy win
BOMBERMAN code: 2879 2176 8600, or just find me in a random match I think it might be time for Newspapers to look over their sponsorship contracts...

Looking pretty good to me - we need more original games like this.

Doesn't look too shabby. Looks like a mix of games, phsyconaughts. Metal arms: glitch in the system, SMG, Banjoe-kazooie.

I think it'll be decent and funny in some parts.

Guest said:
This is cool. I want them to port the actual Xbox console to Wii, though.

or atleast the 8GB HDD.

They have some things making this a very promising game:
* Graphics and Sound seems like from a Tim Burton Animation Flick (grrrreat!)
* a lot of ideas - you fight on a stage composed of a long-player-vinyl with the label 'in Krank we trust'.

I hope difficulty is great and controls are well, then maybe they have a treasure in the making here which is similar to Ratchet and Clank (well, I know, this is big thinking, but why not...).

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Looks nice reminds me of rayman. Hopefully it will be good.

Camera looks annoying when your swinging.

The boy does the fighting, the girl does the grapling and the dog sniffs out things and stuns enemies with it\'s bark.

|It looks like you will have to help the bigger robots so you can get their help to travel to new areas.

( Edited 18.08.2008 12:40 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Stulaw said:
Doesn\'t look too shabby. Looks like a mix of games, phsyconaughts. Metal arms: glitch in the system, SMG, Banjoe-kazooie.

I think it\'ll be decent and funny in some parts.

If someone did actually meld all of them somehow it would be gaming nirvana.

edit: Just watched the videos. It SCREAMS of Psychonauts and that, boys and girls, is only a good thing.

( Edited 18.08.2008 22:53 by knighty )

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