Konami Working on New Suikoden RPG?

By Adam Riley 07.08.2008 3

A new trademark has revealed that Konami could finally be working on a new entry into its Suikoden RPG series. Apparently the developer has registered the name Suikoden Tierkreis for the North American market. Obviously this does not necessarily mean the game will ever become a reality, since developers can always let trademarks expire if plans change, but it certainly gives hope for those wanting for something more following Suikoden Tactics and Suikoden V on PlayStation 2.

But what format could it be on? Obviously the series has predominantly been on Sony's PlayStation formats, starting with the PSone before moving over to the PS2 and eventually PSP with the Japanese-only release of Suikoden I & II. However, there have been rumours pointing towards a possible Wii version, so who knows...

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ZOMG, yes please!

I wish they'd remake either 1 or 2 on DS to at least start with...Those games were fantastic! I got a bit bored halfway through 3 and bought 4 but didn't have time to play. Same with Tactics. Missed out completely on 5...Would be great to get back into the series, though!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Oh, Japanese and German. They seem to love it. No offense, it's funny to see this - P.N.03 for example with biiig boss-mechs named 'Sunflower'.

'Tierkreis' means the 12 circle of the zodiac signs named 'Tierkreiszeichen'. A circle of animal-signs (literal translation). Also used for chinese zodiacs.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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