Capcom Asks: Do You Want Resi Evil 5 on Wii?

By Adam Riley 07.08.2008 20

A new survey from Capcom is floating around the Internet, with certain lucky folk being given the chance to throw in their views on Resident Evil 5. One of the questions asked relates to what Capcom could do to the game to make people want to buy the game more. Amidst possible answers such as 'The expansion of online modes' and 'A vast amount of extras and hidden elements after clearing the game' to choose from, the key one for Nintendo fans definitely has to be 'The release of a Wii version'.

Obviously after the success of Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition and Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, as well as the continued impressive sales of the straight port of Resident Evil 0 on Wii in Japan, Capcom is definitely considering bringing over a version of RE5 to Wii, but wants to know how many people would be interested.

Have any of C3's readers received this survey? Be sure to share your thoughts on the idea of Resident Evil 5 for Wii by posting below...

Box art for Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles





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I would. As soon as they put a survey up in Capcommunity I will be sure to make my vote.

resi5. wii pointer controls like resi4?

bring it on!

The popularity of Resi 4 shows that 5 would probably sell just as well.

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Me too. I'd vote. I don't even particularly like the series but I'm all for helping out the fans who don't have a PS3 or 360.

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idk i like to have a res evil just for the wii and not a water down one

Resident Evil 5 with Wii motion plus, im sold!

I'm really surprised they haven't announced it already, but I'm guessing it's been delayed by the Resident Evil 4 team working on Dead Rising: Chop 'Til You Drop.

Considering the cheaper development costs for the Wii platform and the far superior marketshare I'd say it's a matter of 'when' and not 'if'. Smilie

Resident Evil 5 on wii well be sick

I've no doubt it's coming, but am I the only one who would rather see a totally new project?

I AM worried that they're basically saying this is a case of either "potentially dodgy Resi 5 port" or nothing.

irfman said:
Resident Evil 5 with Wii motion plus, im sold!

What difference would it make wii motion plus or not (except the knife, but that wouldn't bother me)?

I'm buying it for 360 anyway, so I'm not bothered.

It would give you better aiming with guns - as it did on RE4 Wii. It plays a whole lotta better imho then RE4 Cube. I was far more addicted to it then RE4 on Cube.

I would like to see it, but they would add some logs to the fire for graphics. Wii should have great graphics on RE5. RE4 looks good, but is far too old to look great. It's texture quality is lame. The rest is still up to date. So bring it on!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

It plays a whole lotta better imho then RE4 Cube. I was far more addicted to it then RE4 on Cube.

Well I thought it played exactly the same as on cube (which bored me to death).

It would give you better aiming with guns

No it wouldn\'t. Motion plus improves the wii motes ability to detect movement in 3d space, it would not help with aiming (only to make it alot more sensitive, which in no way would be a bonus, imagine trying to take headshots.).

( Edited 07.08.2008 17:41 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Im willing to bet that if RE5 does come to wii it will outsell RE4. You gotta take the fact that a lot of people probably did not buy RE4 for wii simply because they might have already owned it on GC or PS2.

Do I want RE5 on Wii? Well, duh! Of course I do. But not another half assed, cheap port. It would have to be an effort worthy of the RE franchise name and to the Wii itself.

If done right, RE5 for Wii could be absolutely SICK. But it would need to make full use of all Wii's capabilities. Yes, implementing visuals that utilize Wii's graphical capabilities is a must. We get it, Wii isn't 360 or PS3, but if GameCube was capable of putting out simply gorgeous visuals (even by today's standards), Wii should be a drop in the bucket.

NWFC & WC24 support is a must, in addition to Wii MotionPlus support. Exclusive content and features are a no-brainer, but the Wii MotionPlus could be a major hook to the game. Imagine using a sword, knife or machette against adversaries or interacting with devices, the environment, or even the enemies themselves using the capabilities the Wii MotionPlus brings to the table. It could be awesome. Simply awesome. And no, content shouldn't be censored or edited for the Wii version.

It would be best if the game was built from the ground up for Wii, but if Capcom wasn't keen on investing time and money in a high quality title FOR THE MOST POPULAR SYSTEM ON THE PLANET... they're better off doing a separate RE game for Wii. At least, I would prefer it (with the above mentioned features, of course). Most likely, they'll screw us over with yet another shit, pocket lint funded port. If they even deem us worthy enough for that.

If the survey makes it's rounds where I have access to it, I'm definately voting. With my stipulations if possible.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

No it wouldn't. Motion plus improves the wii motes ability to detect movement in 3d space, it would not help with aiming (only to make it alot more sensitive, which in no way would be a bonus, imagine trying to take headshots.).

Laurelin means the IR pointer...

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Less posty, more gamey.

Well I guess anything is possible since dead rising is on it's way, would rather have a unique diffrent title or even a remake of RE2 oe 3 with RE4 engine.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Any doubts this would be the maddest version? Man RE:4 controls would just make it from a good game into an awesome game! Get to work capcom! Smilie

I'm going to lie & say "NO! M rated games are evil & you should all wait for WiiZombies which will contain no violence & Miis."

With that in mind I would look forward to RE5 on Wii.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...


dont give up til your very last breath.

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