First Details of GTA for Nintendo DS Revealed?

By Adam Riley 06.08.2008 10

A new gamer survey from Rockstar Games appears to point towards what could very well be included in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Stories for the DS. Check out the details from the survey below:

16.) Please grade each of the following game features on how interesting they'd be for a Nintendo DS game.

OPEN WORLD: It takes place within an open, real world environment. You will have the freedom to navigate a massive map, explore a world with changing weather and traffic patterns, smart Police and pedestrian AI, and choose different missions to play at any given point in time.

MATURE STORYLINE: This is the story of an outsider navigating the criminal underworld of a major city. You play as a young gang soldier involved in the internal power struggle for control of his gang.

AD HOC MULTIPLAYER: With wi-fi connectivity, players can play each other head to head in four different game modes, including a race (seven different race maps, can race with all the game vehicles), and play co-op modes.

LENGTH OF GAMEPLAY: 70+ missions, 20+ hours of straight gameplay�with significant replayability on top of those 20+ hours.

STYLUS BASED MINI GAMES: Missions include a wide variety of contextual mini-games, such as assembling a sniper rifle to complete an assassination mission, and smashing locks and hotwiring cars to steal them.

REPLAYABLE MISSIONS: A feature that allows you to jump to any completed mission from a convenient menu and play them again.

Which aspects of the above would you most like to see make it into the final game?

Box art for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Rockstar Leeds







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even though I don't play GTA, I think all of them are good, but the minigame thing should be kept to a minimum.

I think players will visit Chinatown.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Awesome can't wait for this Smilie

Just need some screenshots/gameplay footage now.

I'm not saying it will but if all these features do end up appearing on the GTA DS then my god. That is going to be one ambitious project trying to get something like that on to the DS.

It could be very cool with a few laffs to be had. I like the novelty of it being set in Chinatown.

I think you'll only be able to see the ground floor of the Buildings and the top halfs disapear.

It does look a bit too ambitious.

Well if one company can do it, it's Rockstar.


They sound good (better than the GTA4 ones anyway)

I hope this will be awesome Smilie.

Awesome hope it well be good.

Apparently Rockstar's been going round asking websites to take this news down since it's breaking some NDA. But so far they've not contacted us about it...but the cat's out of the bag now anyway.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
Apparently Rockstar's been going round asking websites to take this news down since it's breaking some NDA. But so far they've not contacted us about it...but the cat's out of the bag now anyway.

Maybe they don't want us to get our hopes up?

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