Flower, Sun and Rain European Trailer

By Shane Jury 05.08.2008 2

A new trailer for Flower, Sun and Rain's European release has been revealed, detailing the many features and characters in the game.

Flower, Sun and Rain is a Mystery Adventure game, a DS transition of the original Japanese PS2 title of the same name, and sees the player as Sumio Mondo, the 'searcher', who seeks out items and answers.
The game has been created by Goichi Suda's team, the same group that created No More Heroes for the Wii.

Rising Star Games is due to publish Flower, Sun and Rain in Europe in October of this year.

Box art for Flower, Sun and Rain

Grasshopper Manufacture


Rising Star





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (4 Votes)

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When on the PS2 this looked pretty shoddy, graphics-wise. But on the DS now it looks much better because of the reduced resolution! Great stuff Smilie

Should be an 'intriguing' game anyway, coming from Suda 51...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Cool, will get this for sure. I bought Contact just because of it's SUDA connection and that was a dodgy game, this is not. It's said to be improved for the DS also which is positive.

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