New Fragile Wii Screens and Characters

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.08.2008 13

Namco Bandai have released a handful of screens from the tri-Crescendo-developed survival RPG, Fragile.

We follow a brave young boy known as Seto. Trapped in a world engulfed in a dense fog and missing its inhabitants, he sets out to find answers, and a girl with an unknown role.

Image for New Fragile Wii Screens and Characters
Image for New Fragile Wii Screens and Characters
Image for New Fragile Wii Screens and Characters

Fragile is due to arrive in Japan later this year

Box art for Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

Project Fragile


Rising Star





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (12 Votes)

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Graphically this game is shaping up nicely, the character models are quite nice and the environments too.

Wow, that looks great, not that far from Vesperia in quality.

Good stuff from Namco on the RPG front. I hope to see lots more of it and hope this game actually comes here.

( Edited 01.08.2008 12:16 by Linkyshinks )

yeah i see them so cant wait to see more and to get my hand on it best looking wii game yet

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Those screens look great, you can see there is real artistry going on. I love the atmospheric lighting in that last pic. Even a post apocalyptic world can be made to look beautiful, it seems the developers realise that so it's all very promising.

Linkyshinks said:
Those screens look great, you can see there is real artistry going on. I love the atmospheric lighting in that last pic. Even a post apocalyptic world can be made to look beautiful, it seems the developers realise that so it's all very promising.

Agreed- looks great. Hopefully will be a hit and encourage more effort into games!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Mmmmmm I'd tap that girl ;3

Oh...the game....uh....yeah it looks pretty good I spose.

Linkyshinks said:
Wow, that looks great, not that far from Vesperia in quality.

Good stuff from Namco on the RPG front. I hope to see lots more of it and hope this game actually comes here.

It's more than likely this game will arrive, besides the fact there aren't that many japanese rpgs on the Wii, tri-crescendos baten kaitos arrived on the under-rated gamecube, and was ultimately an awesome game, shame it's sequel never did reach england though.

Yes, the artwork on this game looks wonderfull.
I think this is the problem with a lot of Wii games.
Its not just that they arnt super-high-tech in terms of engines, its that the artwork just plan sucks anyway. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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it looks really great! hopefully it'll play great too Smilie

knighty said:
Mmmmmm I'd tap that girl ;3

Oh...the game....uh....yeah it looks pretty good I spose.

LOL. We know, we know already! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Guest 01.08.2008#11

knighty said:
Mmmmmm I'd tap that girl ;3

Oh...the game....uh....yeah it looks pretty good I spose.

On her shoulder?

Obviously. What else could I mean? Smilie I have no idea what JB is hinting at.

Its not just that they arnt super-high-tech in terms of engines, its that the artwork just plan sucks anyway.

I've always said it comes down to the artwork rather than the tech. This is a good emample of a game that would have held it's own on the GC.

Techs nice obviously but not required to make a beautiful game. If artists could be bothered/had time/had money then they could layer every square inch with intricate homemade textures and labour over level design etc then they could make a beautiful game with the wii tech. Fur in starfox adventures/paint in super mario sunshine etc. GC hardware does not have to mean 64 graphics mixed with PC pseudo-games.

The problem is that they don't make 'em like that.

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