First Screens of Dead Rising on Nintendo's Wii

By Adam Riley 18.07.2008 16

Following the initial announcement of Dead Rising being ported from the Xbox 360 to Wii a few days ago, now the official website has launched and lots of screens have been released, which can be seen in the media folder below. The game has several changes made to it in the process of coming over to Wii, with the timer system being amended, with gamers now selecting several missions to complete before moving on, rather than picking and choosing missions based on their timing.

There will be a new camera system employed, meaning that there will no long be a photo-taking mode as the new system does not cater for the feature. There will also be a reduction in the zombie population, since the Wii will not be able to render the hundreds of zombies found in the Xbox 360 original. To compensate for the lack of sheer numbers, zombies will instead react differently to the player as they enter an area, for example having them crowd around the lead character very quickly.

The controls will be a customised version of Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition's set-up, where gamers use the Nunchuk's analogue stick and the Wii Remote for attacking and pointing for range weapons (main weapons, selectable between four equipped ones with the D-pad). Pressing the A button accesses sub-weapons (melee weapons), with an example being that you press A to attack with a baseball bat, then swing the Wii Remote to do a strong home-run swipe. You also pull back the Wii Remote to reload a proper gun.

Box art for Dead Rising: Chop Till you Drop








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Urgh. Glad to have a port but this looks just a wii bit shite. Models are okay, but backgrounds are seriously tard.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

sorry for the caps ^^"

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jb said:
Urgh. Glad to have a port but this looks just a wii bit shite. Models are okay, but backgrounds are seriously tard.

I agree. I saw the scans Oni posted the other day and thought the pretty much the same. The colour palette and the saturation seems different to the 360 game.

It could well be a good game, but look at it, it's rather depressing looking it has to be said. It's lazy.

"There will be a new camera system employed, meaning that there will no long be a photo-taking mode ""

Why cant photos be taken? BG&E did it on the cube. Majoras Mask on the N64.
Cant it dump to the photochannel if nothing else :? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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What? You think this looks bad?? Are you looking at the same screens I am? It\'s not amazing yeah but it\'s not terrible either.

( Edited 19.07.2008 01:36 by tiamat1990 )

i hope this is very early stuff, because in doesn't look too hot, buy i will forgive this if it plays good, remember people, that's the important thing.


I really can't believe that people think this looks bad. It's a Wii game! And it's a Wii version of Dead Rising at that! Have you seen how much goes on in Dead Rising? Even with a smaller amount of zombies and lower quality of visuals this is still going to be giving Wii a bit of a work out, and it's got a while to go yet.

Mason said:
I really can't believe that people think this looks bad. It's a Wii game! And it's a Wii version of Dead Rising at that! Have you seen how much goes on in Dead Rising? Even with a smaller amount of zombies and lower quality of visuals this is still going to be giving Wii a bit of a work out, and it's got a while to go yet.

Yeah I know it's reduced for those reasons. Wii cannot even get UE3 going let alone Capcoms MT Engine.

After having played the 360 game I see more of what it's lacking than what is good about it. I may think differently when I see it in motion and everything is smooth, hopefully.

It looks utter shite.

I'm sure in motion, it will look better, almost every game looks better in motion. But still, it's not too bad either, atleast it's got a decent amount of zombies on screen. But then, how many enemies on screen did spartan, total warrior have? that looked better didn't it? But then I guess there's more to the enivironments on this than that.

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Linkyshinks said:
Mason said:
I really can't believe that people think this looks bad. It's a Wii game! And it's a Wii version of Dead Rising at that! Have you seen how much goes on in Dead Rising? Even with a smaller amount of zombies and lower quality of visuals this is still going to be giving Wii a bit of a work out, and it's got a while to go yet.

Yeah I know it's reduced for those reasons. Wii cannot even get UE3 going let alone Capcoms MT Engine.

After having played the 360 game I see more of what it's lacking than what is good about it. I may think differently when I see it in motion and everything is smooth, hopefully.

I'm more annoyed about it lacking some of the features like the photo mode inexplicably than anything else. I love the 360 version and it probably won't be as good as it, but this is looking like a really respectable port IMO; more so than any other developer has done.

Come on guys, a little work on the environments and it could almost be a pile of crap.

OMG! So shit does happen when I am on holiday! I remember speaking to my friends about Dead Rising Wii, having seen how amazing it was on the Xbox. I am sooo happy its coming to wii, but IMO it might be too late... seeing as the 360 and PS3 have miles better games now, it might leave many games unhappy. As far as graphics go, Id say its a pretty good job. Bearing in mind wiis restrictions it looks nice. Im expect good things from this game and am very happy to see a reasonable attempt at porting. Nice one Capcom!

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Resi Evil: UC looked a billion times better...

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

I actually think these shots look really promising. Oops. Guess I'm on the losing side here.
If this doesn't end up on the PS2, I'm happy. Because I'm sick of seeing OUR games ond up on a system that, really, should be dead. I seriously think it's the Wii to PS2 ports that will see it through this generation of consoles alongside the PS3.
Remains a Wii exclusive? I'll be very exited.
Huge fan of the original, this looks like a different experience I'll have alongside the Xbox version. While there is a much more mission-based structure here, I hope to god they keep the sandbox aspects, otherwise it'll turn into a go from point A to B dissapointment.

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