E308 | More Animal Crossing Wii Details

By Mike Mason 18.07.2008 5

IGN, like the lucky fellows they are, have interviewed Animal Crossing: City Folk producer Katsuya Eguchi, revealing a few intriguing details along the way.

  • The only control options are nunchuk/remote or remote alone. From what we can gather by snuffling around the Interweb the remote alone option has the pointer controlling movement, a bit like the touch screen movement in the DS version.

  • Characters can be transferred from the DS' Wild World to City Folk, taking along your outfits and things with you. It also works the other way so that you can take your character to a friend's house and play in their Wii town. If your Wii isn't connected online, you'll also be able to take your character out within the DS version, go to a Wi-Fi hotspot to download things like new furniture and then upload them into City Folk.

  • The idea of tying the Weather Channel into City Folk was toyed with, but they decided to make it independent of that so that players experience all the seasons. We like to believe poor rainy UK influenced this decision.

  • Functions such as the auction house will be updated automatically via WiiConnect24.

  • Any downloadable content will be free and automatic. It won't be using the Pay To Play model. In the words of Tom Nook: yesyes!
  • You can read the full interview here, which goes a little more in-depth into the things mentioned above.

    The first video, screens and other details can be found in our previous news post. Animal Crossing: City Folk is expected to launch by the end of 2008 - don't count your chickens, though, Europe.

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    DS connectability is pretty awesome. I might actually have to go and get my own copy now.

    Awesome on all counts.

    Thank god they ditched the Weather Channel...I want my town to snow during Christmas but if it followed the weather channel it's going to be sunny as fuck since I live here in NZ where the holiday season is during the summer season.

    Another Tip-bit from that interview; USB Keyboards can be used too, will be much easier for in-game typing. Smilie

    good bit of new about the game their, really looking forward to this one Smilie

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