News | Famitsu RPG scores

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.08.2003 1

Famitsu RPG scores
Direct from Japan

Japanase media publication, Famitsu, has provided scores for 2 recently released roleplaying games for the GameCube with some surprising developments.

One of the titles of the two is a game that is and was a little underrated by the media and critics alike with little footage being shown before the release, and a general air of mystery about the game. The title is Tales of Symphonia, from Namco, which didn't have the same reputation and media attention as Square's RPG, Final Fantasy however obtained a higher score in a recent edition of the Famitsu magazine.

The second of the two games scored in the magazine isn't necessarily considered a roleplaying title in the same vein as Tale of Symphonia or the traditional concept, but the element of freedom to take on the role of a particular character is there.

The scores for the 2 games are as follows:

Tales of Symphonia Namco
9, 8, 10, 10 :: 37 / 40

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Victor
7, 9, 9, 9 :: 34 / 40

Both games, including Square's Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicals, are scheduled for release early next year.

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