E308 | Nintendo Officially Confirms Pikmin Sequel

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.07.2008 25

During E3 Pikmin 3 has been mentioned and hinted at, but now has once been confirmed once again by mastermind Shigeru Miyamoto.

The result of the company's rumoured secret unveiling saw legendary game designer seemingly confirm the game's existence officially. No maybes, or clever hints. Just three key words, according to PalGN: "We're making Pikmin."

And that about wraps up the company's press roundtable in a nutshell. Pikmin 3 is definitely on the way, Olimar fans rejoice!

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E3 saved

I'm more of a Pikmin fan than an Olimar fan.

Great news, but I just wished they would have shown the game...


Pikmin YEAH!


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Do you suppose Olimar's planet has divorce? That way my "Get jewels to appease shallow new wife" plot works well, or of course the "Get jewels to save shattered marriage because I spent all my time with the Pikmin" plot.

Either way, Pikmin 3 can hardly fail if they just stick to their guns and use very basic pointing controls. No fundamental changes please!

hope it expands on the originals without dumbing it down or making it too easy for the Casual

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lol i had to post this just to funny lol

Jump_button said:
E3 saved

Yes because the announcement that a game is being worked on, which could means it comes out in 2 years time is really enough to save the piles of shit at their conference.

E3 saved? Are you guys fucking kidding me? The announcement, and just an announcement of a game we already knew was being made and was coming saves Nintendo's E3? Smilie

If only;

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WOW... this is shocking... check this out.

I found this at gamesradar.com, and it's from someone that was at nintando's special roundtable conference.

Just got back from a special Nintendo roundtable event that I foolishly thought was going to be the venue in which they'd announce a real game. Instead it was three Q&A sessions focused on games they revealed at the presser, Animal Crossing, WiiSports Resort and WiiMusic. When someone finally asked "Isn't WiiMusic basically a toy, because it has no goal or prompting or end?" Miyamoto responded "Yes, and that's why it's more interesting than a videogame."

Um, what? Isn't that like Speilberg saying "movies are a waste of time, go read a book?" I was already pissed as hell at their awful conference Tuesday, and now I'm effing astonished. Unbelievable.

This was tempered somewhat by the confirmation that Miyamoto is indeed working on a new Pikmin game. Whee.

Super Smash Bros code: 0903 4196 2445
Wii Address code: 5857 7795 0905 9367 [/img]

Good news. Not an E3 saver, but Pikmin 3 is real, excellent. 1 rumour down, 1,000,000 Kid Icarus related rumours to go.

footage/near completion would have saved E3, but for all we know this could be years away (like Pikmin 2 was...)

lol at the posted GIFs. If only.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I can die a happy man... after I get it of course.

Oh come on guys... and you didn\'t expect this... Smilie

Like I said a few days ago 2009/10 will be great years for Wii but not 2008, I don\'t know what they are gonna release in the next 4 months but I very much doubt it will be a AAA game!

Yes it\'s good news we\'re getting a Pikmin game but it won\'t probably come out til late 2009!

Nintendo conference was shit and you all know it.. they tried to focus too much on third-party games!

Also one more thing... we don\'t even know if this is coming to Wii.. it might be a DS game?!?!

( Edited 17.07.2008 13:35 by Zapp )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

they r just confirming things we already knew about. no footage means late 2009 thats not good enough

We already knew about Pikmin 3? Please. All this rumours = fact stuff was getting pathetic. Same with Kid Icarus. Until we get real confirmation it's all just empty rumours.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

-orion456- said:
WOW... this is shocking... check this out.

I found this at gamesradar.com, and it's from someone that was at nintando's special roundtable conference.

Just got back from a special Nintendo roundtable event that I foolishly thought was going to be the venue in which they'd announce a real game. Instead it was three Q&A sessions focused on games they revealed at the presser, Animal Crossing, WiiSports Resort and WiiMusic. When someone finally asked "Isn't WiiMusic basically a toy, because it has no goal or prompting or end?" Miyamoto responded "Yes, and that's why it's more interesting than a videogame."

You seem to be missing the irony here.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Roll on 2010 Smilie

We already knew about Pikmin 3? Please. All this rumours = fact stuff was getting pathetic. Same with Kid Icarus. Until we get real confirmation it's all just empty rumours

it was obvious they were going to bring pikmin3 out at some point. the same way it was obvious mario kart and brawl would appear. i agree wid u on kid icarus thats just rumour, the game hasent appeared in years

Since Pikmin 2 had no real cliffhanger I don't think we could assume a Pikmin 3 like we could for a Wii Mario Kart game. Also Brawl was confirmed at the same time as the Wii itself anyway (or as it was known back then, the Revolution).

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah I\'m soo happy at this news. I hope it doesn\'t take more than a year. But games like this are worth the wait. I think Oil is going to decide to move to pikmin planet and take his familySmilie lol at least thats my idea. Do you guys think their will be more types of pikmin? I cant tell but I cant see them adding more than 1 or 2 types. I would give tho\'s pikmin clips stars if I had more to give this week.Smilie

Wats a Orbinaut Commander?????

( Edited 17.07.2008 20:28 by Ultralordsmow )

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

Zapp is right, 2009 and 2010 will be great Wii years...but not 2008. Like it was mentioned many times in sonys conference, 2008 is the year of ps3..xbox already had its year.

Since Pikmin 2 had no real cliffhanger I don't think we could assume a Pikmin 3 like we could for a Wii Mario Kart game. Also Brawl was confirmed at the same time as the Wii itself anyway (or as it was known back then, the Revolution).

i think it was safe to assume. nintendo always exhaust their ip', so i assume we'll see all the popular ip'its just a matter of when. im sure that when they announced the wii they said something about the wii being a celebration of nintendo so old ip' will turn up to

Terrific! At least E3 was not a total lost.

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