E308 | New Zelda & Pikmin on Wii, Plus Mario on Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 16.07.2008 18

Talking with IGN at this year's E3 event, Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed that we could be expecting Pikmin 3 soon, a new Zelda on Wii is underway and a new Mario could be coming to DS, with the respective teams all being reassembled and currently working hard on the new projects.

Below are some snippets:

"The core members of the Zelda team have for a very long time now been focused on Zelda games, and continue to focus on Zelda games, so they are hard at work and working away," Miyamoto said. "And then, of course, we have the DS Zelda team as well, so even there we're having some switching of people in and out where the DS team is mixing in with the Wii team and working on the Wii version."

"[ Will there be a fundamental change to the new Wii Zelda? ] I don't necessarily think it will change that drastically, but I think that Zelda is a franchise that does need some big new unique ideas."

"[ Is a Pikmin sequel coming? Well... ] The Pikmin team is, of course, still there and maybe we'll have something to talk about before too long.

"[ With regards to a New Super Mario Bros. sequel ] I have a lot of different teams and those teams are all at different points in their experiments or development, so it's typically once they've finalised something that we're able to talk about it. But for me to go into too much detail would be a little bit irresponsible in an interview. All that I can say is that that team is also working.

"Maybe the best thing for you to understand is that all of the leaders of those teams -- of the Mario team, of the Zelda team and of the Pikmin team -- all sit within 150 feet of my desk. The Galaxy team is the only one that's farther away -- they're in Tokyo. But I do have video conferencing with them."

So what would you like to see in the way of changes to these long running series?

Box art for Pikmin 3








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Yay, a new pikmin!

Can brawl anytime now.....if you want an easy win
BOMBERMAN code: 2879 2176 8600, or just find me in a random match I think it might be time for Newspapers to look over their sponsorship contracts...

He should have asked about Kid Icarus also, and got nothing. This means nothing at all currently, we all know these games are being made, what we need to do is to see even the slightest bit of material on them that is available. I bet they could have shown Pikmin 3 at e3 if they wanted to, but all they are concerned with is making the public news headlines in the US with what they did show.

He did ask about Kid Icarus, Miyamoto said he couldn't comment because he isn't the producer.

iCAME said:
He did ask about Kid Icarus, Miyamoto said he couldn't comment because he isn't the producer.

It's being done by Factor 5 (at least, its pretty much confirmed), who are apparently at E3...

Zelda = Remove the dungoen structure, lets have a big explorable game world where the player has no idea when a boss or "dungoen" is coming. Give us 1:1 sword fighting, Zack & Wiki style puzzles, and a steampunk theme.

Mario = Eppisodic Mario Galaxy style missions done on WiiWare. Have a few level packs clasified by difficulty.
Dont have a new commercial game for 4 years at least.
Then maybe have a 4D platformer, where you can controll 1 axis of time at the same time as movement.

Pikmen = No revolution needed. Just use the Wii's perfect controlls, have another fun story, with online multiplayer.
Oh, and co-op campagn would be nice.

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Why could they not have said any of this at the actual conference rather than at an after show interview, things like this should have been said!

And no Zelda Steampunk!

Brawl Code 4983-6387-2983
Diamond Code 0387 8628 7636

It's being done by Factor 5 (at least, its pretty much confirmed), who are apparently at E3...

Who said that? That was rumor started ages back.

Darkflame, love your idea for a Zelda with proper Zack and Wiki style puzzles. On a related note, how much better would the Z&W sword fight segments have been with MotionPlus? I couldn't play that bit at all as it simply didn't work for lefties like me.

Also love the idea for episodic Mario packs. Brilliant!!! Your 4D idea is also intriuging, but might be a bit tricky to control.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

This is nothing new, its obvious that these teams are working on new games "DUH!"

WHAT I WANT FROM ZELDA/Nintey IS WIND WAKER 2 Smilie or another Zelda game with WW grafix!

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Zapp said:
This is nothing new, its obvious that these teams are working on new games \"DUH!\"

WHAT I WANT FROM ZELDA/Nintey IS WIND WAKER 2 Smilie or another Zelda game with WW grafix!

A wind waker style game would be the absolute winner.

edit: oh, and the new pikmin!!!!!! ooooooooooooo.... Pikmin 2 was absolute genius! Bring it on, online pikmining as well as masterfully done single player aaaaaaaahhhhhh


That game was brilliant - I loved the feel of the sea!

( Edited 16.07.2008 13:19 by erv )

To me this is great. we have never really had any huge hints towards a new Pikmin before. Since when did we know Pikmin 3 was already being made? The same way we know Kid Icarus is being made?

They're all just rumours that went out of hand. They're likely but nothing was ever confirmed. I personally have no idea where all this Kid Icarus stuff came from.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Talk is cheap. I get irritated by this sort of interview that says "We're doing something". They're -always- doing something. I don't want to wait until 2011 to see that you've -done- something.

Oh, and absolutely NO to steampunk Zelda. Smilie All Zelda needs is an Oblivion (ish, not neccessarily with all the empty space) sized world which you can freely explore with lots of juicy sidequests. Nothing else needs to be changed, Wind Waker graphics would be nice, as would the Twilight visuals be. It really doesn't matter to me all that much.

For me, Mario Galaxy was a fine example of platform gaming, all except for the god damned planets. Same graphics, same controls, larger FLAT worlds. It would be just dandy.

I also agree with Pikmin, more of the same with point controls. Let's say Olimar wants to find a wife, but all the women on his planet are really shallow, so he ventures back to the mysterious planet to gather stones and jewels. And a puppy. A really cute puppy.

But Olimar already has a wife and kids D:

I don't think Nintendo would promote that kinda cheating. Especially since they were so happy and rich in Pikmin 2.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

In a few hours, Nintendo could unveil a new game during a private conference

maybe zelda or Pikmin 3?

D\'ya think????? Or maybe it\'ll be Kid Icarus??!!! Or F-Zero XYZ!!!!!!


( Edited 16.07.2008 15:15 by artmonkey )

Less posty, more gamey.

I heard the guys from Factor 5 are there and they havent said anything. Maybe at this private Nintendo conference, Nintendo will invite the CEO of Factor 5 or someone and they will announce Kid Icarus. If not then it will most likely be an official announcement of this Zelda game.

zelda game = finally a hardcore none family boring game.

Wii code:

If Zelda had 1:1 sword action I just wouldn't bother. It would be too much like hard work. I play Zelda to romp about in a massive world not to feel like I'm wielding a sword.

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