E308 | Grand Theft Auto Rampages on Nintendo DS

By Mike Mason 15.07.2008 18

At their E3 conference, Nintendo has just announced that an exclusive version of Grand Theft Auto is coming to Nintendo DS courtesy of Rockstar. Labelled Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars, it is set in the modern world, but no other details are known at this moment.

More details and hopefully visuals as we get them.

Rockstar Games is proud to announce Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. Developed by Rockstar Leeds in conjunction with series creators Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars will be available on the Nintendo DS in North America and Europe this winter.

"This is a game that will deliver a rich, fast-paced and intense 'Grand Theft Auto' experience that will be truly unique to Nintendo's handheld platform. Rockstar Leeds, along with the team at Rockstar North, has built upon a decade of progressive design on Grand Theft Auto, and has created something fundamentally fresh and immersive."
- said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is an entirely original entry into the critically acclaimed Grand Theft Auto series, and brings a new level of interactivity to its sprawling open environments. With the use of the DS touch screen, players will navigate their way through the streets as they uncover the truth behind an epic tale of crime and corruption within the Triad crime syndicate, delivering the unprecedented amount of depth that has become a true trademark of the franchise.

Box art for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Rockstar Leeds







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (17 Votes)

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This is the most surprising thing I've heard from E3 this year, came right out of the blue. Looking forward to seeing more of this!

Sorry, don't believe the DS can handle that kind of 3d world in any way shape or form.

Yeah, it'll probably be one of those shitty 2D ones.

L said:
Yeah, it'll probably be one of those shitty 2D ones.

Oh no, I have no doubt it'll be 3d. But quality will be LOW.

HazukiSan said:
L said:
Yeah, it'll probably be one of those shitty 2D ones.

Oh no, I have no doubt it'll be 3d. But quality will be LOW.

I don't think Rockstar will "indulge" like that, the same way some equally big but less reputable companies might.


Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

HazukiSan said:
L said:
Yeah, it'll probably be one of those shitty 2D ones.

Oh no, I have no doubt it'll be 3d. But quality will be LOW.

DS has the power of N64, it could still potentially pull it off. But 2D would be better. Maybe there's a reason we haven't seen media yet...

Mason said:

Maybe there's a reason we haven't seen media yet...

Probably because it's shit like the rest of the conference.

I was thinking more 'it doesn't actually exist in any proper form yet'.

The old 2D games were pretty good, especially GTA2 which I still have, so even if it was 2D it will probably be a pretty good game we all know Rockstar make good quality games!

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I'm pretty sure this is a 2D, top down game like the GTAs of old.

It could be a really small 3D world, being that it's set in china town which is a small part of liberty city and such.

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unexpected, im not going to make an opinion about this game until i see some footage.

Rumours are floating round that it's top-down, but still 3D...there's also a rumour about a new House of the Dead on Wii.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Yeah this certainly came out of nowhere. It was the only exciting reveal during the conference.

Does anyone else think that this is going to be like the GBA version? Pseudo 2D top down?

( Edited 16.07.2008 04:59 by tiamat1990 )

I was also surprised to hear this announcment though would have loved to see a trailer or some screenshots.

Another-Code quality overhead 3D would work very well,imho.

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This has the potential of being epic hopefully it will be

maybe for the next Nintendo hand-held console, but i just can\'t see it flourishing on the DS right now.

( Edited 03.08.2008 01:55 by A_man_92 )

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