Goldeneye Running on Wii via Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.07.2008 27

A clever hacker seems to have Goldeneye running on the Wii via the virtual console engine.

The game seems to run via a cleverly modded Virtual Console emulator that's used to run Nintendo 64 games downloaded from the Wii shop channel. Despite some glitches and the lack of a save function, it seems like an interesting step to seeing the much loved shooter on the Wii. Multiplayeer seems to run also, albeit a few slowdowns at times.

Thanks to GoNintendo for the tip.

Box art for GoldenEye 007





First Person Shooter



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That's quite cool. Now if only Nintendo, RARE and Activision could come to an agreement.

Pretty impressive that. Nice haxx.

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Stulaw said:
That's quite cool. Now if only Nintendo, RARE and Activision could come to an agreement.

Agreed! Would be good to see a proper release someday, somewhere. The remake for XBL looked damn good.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Ahh damn.. that music brings back a lot of good memories!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Damn that's pretty cool.

jeez who lies their Wii down on its side!

Stulaw said:
That's quite cool. Now if only Nintendo, RARE and Activision could come to an agreement.

Nintendo, Microsoft, Rare and Activision did come to an agreement on it. Satoru Iwata then vetoed that agreement. It's his fault that GoldenEye isn't on VC, along with all of Rare's other N64 titles.

Cool, shame the real thing is so unlikely.


Where is the proof of the above Oni?, boardroom details never get revealed like that, even if they did it would be one sides version.

( Edited 04.07.2008 08:05 by Linkyshinks )

Martin_ said:
Stulaw said:
That's quite cool. Now if only Nintendo, RARE and Activision could come to an agreement.

Nintendo, Microsoft, Rare and Activision did come to an agreement on it. Satoru Iwata then vetoed that agreement. It's his fault that GoldenEye isn't on VC, along with all of Rare's other N64 titles.

ZOMG, are you cereal? I now hate Iwata... Why did I sell my N64, WHY?!

Nice. I remember playing that game loads round my cousins on his N64. Great game. Btw, I lay MY Wii on the side often, because my tv stand restricts it from standing up and having GC pads in it (for Brawl)

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Martin_ said:
Stulaw said:
That's quite cool. Now if only Nintendo, RARE and Activision could come to an agreement.

Nintendo, Microsoft, Rare and Activision did come to an agreement on it. Satoru Iwata then vetoed that agreement. It's his fault that GoldenEye isn't on VC, along with all of Rare's other N64 titles.

I did hear something like that. Satoru Iwata really hasn't made the best decisions for Nintendo. In any case, i'm glad i still have my N64 and goldeneye, Banjo-kazooie and the like.

Linkyshinks said:
Where is the proof of the above Oni?, boardroom details never get revealed like that, even if they did it would be one sides version.

One of the parties involved has been quoted as saying that's the case. I hardly think they'd lie. They've nothing to gain from lying. All they've done is lost time, money, and effort spent on trying to organize the agreement, and not to mention developing the 360 version of GoldenEye.

Goldeneye on the VC would be incredible, but I doubt it'll ever happen. My N64 no longer works (curses!) so I haven't played this game in a while. I would pay good money for it.

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.

To be honest mate, you can buy an N64 for slightly more than it costs to buy an N64 game off of the Virtual Console. Just get another '64.

Flynnie said:
jeez who lies their Wii down on its side!

LOL, i do these days as we keep tripping over the wires and knocking over the Wii (despite it being locked down into the stand).

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Only thing is, if Goldeneye came out on the VC, everyone's rose tinted specs would be immediately blasted off. The fact of the matter is that Goldeneye isn't really that good anymore.

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Tin Can Man said:
Only thing is, if Goldeneye came out on the VC, everyone's rose tinted specs would be immediately blasted off. The fact of the matter is that Goldeneye isn't really that good anymore.

I disagree. I still play it, and I still love it. Kicks the shit out of most of today's generic efforts.

I agree with TinCanMan. Maybe it's just my dislike for FPS' talking, but I loved Goldeneye "in the day" and now it's not all that great to me.

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Graphically, it has aged an aweful lot, I have to say. Doesn't help that Perfect Dark looks twice as good. However, beneath the stained, cracked veneer, the old piece of furniture is as solid as ever. A whole bunch of us had a "GoldenEye multiplayer night in" night the other week, and it was still awesome, despite shit graphics.

Martin_ said:
Graphically, it has aged an aweful lot, I have to say. Doesn't help that Perfect Dark looks twice as good. However, beneath the stained, cracked veneer, the old piece of furniture is as solid as ever. A whole bunch of us had a "GoldenEye multiplayer night in" night the other week, and it was still awesome, despite shit graphics.

Ya, same here - along with Perfect Dark! Complex, power weapons. WIN!

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Epic. Brings back memories of playing multiplayer for hours.

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Stulaw said:
Satoru Iwata really hasn\'t made the best decisions for Nintendo.

Shareholders would disagree. It\'s gone from a decently profitable company in last place of the \'big three\' in its industry to the worldwide leader and one of the richest companies ever. Iwata has been nothing but good for Nintendo, \'casual\' games and all.

EDIT: Though, if true (and I\'ve heard it\'s the reason as well), Iwata really should have done the deal to get Goldeneye on VC even if it ended up on XBLA as well. Apparently his reasoning was \'if it\'s an exclusive to a Nintendo console, it shouldn\'t end up on another company\'s system\'.

( Edited 05.07.2008 16:28 by Mason )

From a purely business point-of-view, Iwata has been unquestionably wonderful for Nintendo. From a gaming point-of-view.. very debatable.

I think this relativley easy to do, somthing about injecting N64 roms into VC emulators(sin and punishment is commanly used i think) only thing stoping ya is just whether your bothered to put the effort into doing it.

Zapp said:
Ahh damn.. that music brings back a lot of good memories!! Smilie

Sure does, I was reading a article about it the other day, about possibly coming to the Vc. Then I got the urge to go play it again. Its a great game, I hope it makes it to VC soonSmilie

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