Cooking Guide Creates Crazy Mums at Asda

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.06.2008 18

Mums have gone "stir crazy" at retail giant Asda with the release of Cooking Guide for DS this week.

The game boasts over 250 different recipe ideas, step by step cooking and preparation tutorials, video sequences and a handy shopping list for missing ingredients. Speaking to CVG, the supermarket chain revealed that a whopping 10,000 copies sold in the opening hour, with a 75% increase in recipe-inspired goods from the game.

This game is going to cook up a real storm with our customers, especially mums who need some new menu ideas.

Would your DS accompany you on a shopping trip?

Thanks to C3 reader Fail for the tip.

Box art for Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What To Eat?








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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

European release date 20.06.2008   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Q2 2008   

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Wow. Wasn't quite expecting that...has it been advertised much? Probably has, but I don't tend to watch TV that much.

Looks like a decent package!

This will probably outsell Brawl in the UK.Smilie

Quite impressive.

I think they've advertised it in the right places, e.g. Richard & Judy... not that I watch that show.

If this actually makes a difference to the "lets go out for a mcdonalds instead of cooking" issues of today, I'm very impressed.

I'm really tempted to buy a copy, as I need to learn how to cook dammit,

I saw an advert during Big Brother the other day, which kind of shocked me! Didn't think this would be pushed so much...but am glad it IS being. After selling nearly a million in Japan, it might have taken two years to get here, but good to see it's finally arrived.

If this does indeed do well enough, then 1,000 Healthy DS Recipes, which only sold around 400,000 copies in total, should be next, definitely.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I am so scared. The other day my mum actually asked me if I could get a game for her! She goes 'Can you download that cooking thing for the ds?' I am thinking wtf! Thats gonna sell a lot if my mum wants in on the action.

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley gobsmacked :O < see. Cooking guide..10,000 really. My God. What the hell is the world coming to. I'll stick to real games thanks.

This will probably outsell Brawl in the UK

God, I hope not. But you may be right.Smilie

It's just an electronic cookbook. Could teach me a few things, the most complicated thing I can make is spaghetti bolognese.

Anyway, This won't outsell brawl, the pre-orders on most shops are all sold out for that.

Sad. Sad. Sad.

This is not a game is it? What is it doing a game console which people claim is good for being games dedicated.

It\'s a cool idea and if the profits went to bigger games I\'d be a happy bunny but I\'ve given up hope of that ever happening.

( Edited 22.06.2008 00:08 by knighty )

I'll be downloading it, just cause i'm curious.

knighty said:
Sad. Sad. Sad.

This is not a game is it? What is it doing a game console which people claim is good for being games dedicated.

It's a cool idea and if the profits went to bigger games I'd be a happy bunny but I've given up hope of that ever happening.

It may not be a game in the traditional sense, but it's interactive, fun and useful.

The DS is a total games machine. Some fantastic RPGs, platformers, racers. It's got a load of software to, like Cooking Guide, because its a great platform for it - portable, dual screen, touch screen.

I really don't see the downside to helpful and fun software for DS. There may be a fair few training and educational games for DS - so what? I'm sure the profits from this will go towards funding more software as well as traditional games and second party efforts.

Yet another excuse to jump in and hijack a topic with "Nintendo's casual console, the end of the WORLD." Get over it already, the DS is doing just fine.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Did you read my comment? I said it is a cool idea. I just think it's sad that you're all going gaga over it selling.

It's a good idea but the screens just seem too small for quickly glancing back and forth trying to prepare a meal. Of course if you can rewind, pause and slow down demonstration videos and have a magnifying glass view then it's all sweet with me.

I'll still stick with a cook book though, or better yet, microwavable food.

Can you enter your own receipes in?

If so, I could get rid of the 15 - 20 cookbooks my wife has for the one or two receipes she likes in each.

I would love to see the uses of the DS expand much beyond gaming. Safeco field in the US used it for ordering food, player stats, etc. for the Seattle baseball games. More ideas like this would be great. How about as a museum guide? Movie reviewer guide. You could download the latest movie reviews every Thursday, track which movies you've seen, make reccomendations...

'How to' guide books/games would be great. Oragami tutorials, crafting guides, anything!

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

I want to get this myself, I love cooking and would see this as a great alternative to a �20 cook book.

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