Ubisoft Make Wii a Play Zone with Sports Party

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.06.2008 9

With all the casual gaming love from the French publishing giant Ubisoft of late, the company have revealed a new label for Wii: Play Zone.

Sounding much like the children's area of popular fast food joints, Play Zone has been designed to handle "immediate entertainment and recreation" for consoles with the first title to break the brand's virginity arriving in stores on July 11th 2008 � Sports Party.

With our new Play Zone party titles, the Wii gamers who like to spend time with friends and family will have fun with the Wii through innovative and involving mini-games.

The Play Zone label will provide them with the best games to mingle and compete together in a fun and friendly atmosphere.
John Parkes, Ubisoft's EMEA Marketing Director.

Sports Party does exactly what it says on the tin: holds a collection of 9 mini-games spanning 3 difficulty levels that can be played against one another or cooperatively. Games range from croquet to horse shoes, badminton to volley-ball using the Wii remote for some motion controlled fun indoors.

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Gogogo Ubisoft.

Yay. Apparently I should be happy and fine with this and not have an opinion on what games would be preferable.


I kid, I kid.

( Edited 20.06.2008 06:04 by Modplan Man )

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I suppose there is some good out of this; Buyers of Ubisoft\'s sh*t will be able to identify other crap better with this label.

( Edited 20.06.2008 06:57 by Phoenixus )

I agree with Ryan.

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And this is why something as great and innovative as the Wii will never get anywhere. How about some real games people. I'm tired of this crap. Seriously!

Are all their crap Wii games are in the Play Zone

I'm still sad and waiting to see something that made me go OMG just like Mario Galaxy did a few months ago..

iGod said:
I\'m still sad and waiting to see something that made me go OMG just like Mario Galaxy did a few months ago..

IN B4 \"Wrong console mate.\"!!!! Smilie

Linkyshinks said:
Are all their crap Wii games are in the Play Zone

It\'s where they keep the souls of departed Dogz and Fashion accessories. Of course you have to unlock them, because they\'re in PLAY CUPBOARDZ.

( Edited 20.06.2008 13:07 by SuperLink )

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Phoenixus said:
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I suppose there is some good out of this; Buyers of Ubisoft's sh*t will be able to identify other crap better with this label.

LMFAO that video sums up Ubisoft! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

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