Guitar Hero: World Tour Wii Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.06.2008 10

The latest Guitar Hero takes the world by storm. First Wii details and instruments await inside..

Another day, and yet more rhythm games filter onto the shelves - today Activision return to the market with details of their forthcoming Guitar Hero that aims to bring more than just axe-grinding to the stage: drums and vocals blend into the mix as well.

Image for Guitar Hero: World Tour Wii DetailsThe preview on IGN details some of the game's revisions and new mechanics, including a swanky new guitar kitted out with touch-sensitive pads, a shiny black microphone and curvy black drumkit.

On the guitar neck is a small touch panel that, in addition to the regular fret buttons, allow for more note manipulation than before, close to the real deal. The whole unit is bigger and more in-line with your usual 6-string beast.

Microphone is, well, a microphone emblazoned with a Guitar Hero badge and wired to the machine itself.

The drums seem like a highly toned-down electric drum-kit, yet do appear gorgeous in design. Players can whip out their beats using pressure-sensitive pads, supposedly relatively quiet compared to EA's Rockband offering and bash out some bass drum with the added foot pedal.

An in-built character creator sees players manipulating everything from basic features to adding make-up and fiddling with jawlines for a truly customised avatar on stage. Instrument designs can also be customised - colours, shapes, sizes and unique decal designs for far-out modding.

Image for Guitar Hero: World Tour Wii Details
Image for Guitar Hero: World Tour Wii Details
Box art for Guitar Hero: World Tour

Vicarious Visions







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So this is just like Rock Band with the Guitar Hero brand named.

mOojc said:
So this is just like Rock Band with the Guitar Hero brand named.

Pretty much! Seems to have some additional customisation and touch-pad support on the guitar, but that's about it really. I think they should really try and release the perfect equipment and release more download tracks/CD compilations. Keep it simple - more content, less hardware investments.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Pretty much! Seems to have some additional customisation and touch-pad support on the guitar, but that\'s about it really. I think they should really try and release the perfect equipment and release more download tracks/CD compilations. Keep it simple - more content, less hardware investments.

Totally agree with you jb! I want to spend less money for my gaming fixes. Now-a-days, I have too many pads, boards, and instruments!

( Edited 20.06.2008 10:09 by Glenjamin )

Yeah, Glenjamin. Me too. I do not want to buy new peripherals. I want to use my existing ones with more games.

But aside from that: I think Guitar Hero World Tour looks to me like the better Rock band. More smooth, slick peripherals, the old GH-feeling, maybe a little more difficult then Rock Band, too.
I am more into GH4 then Rock Band for Wii...
The Guitar looks great and the quality seems to be superior to RB. jb is right, they should stay true to this way he describes. And they should conquer Wii-download-market. They would sell lots of Wii versions if they bring us downloadable content and if they stay true to the quality of the songs in GH3 (I said quality and mean the way they brushed the songs for playing. I said nothing about the songs themselves, so this is subject to discussion. If a song is great or not is in oneself to decide. I like the songs from GH3 very much. For the moment I am totally into 'Pride and Joy' and 'Black Sunshine'(?). They got the Blues!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!
Guest 20.06.2008#5

hmmmm, I think these are much nicer than the RB ones, from what I read in an issue of Official Playstation Magazine the RB guitars whammy bar breaks easily, but that was an old preveiw copy they had. I much prefer GH over RB, partly the EA branding, partly because GH was here first.

It uses the Wii remote again!!! What the hell...I only have two Wii remotes. One for the lead and one for the bass guitar. I have to buy an additional one for the freaking drums!!!

For the Wii, GH4 will be much better than Rock Band. Rock Band will not have online play, or downloadable content (additional songs), but GH4 will. RB for the Wii is a straight port of the PS2 version.

You'd be an idiot to buy either this or Rock Band for Wii.

This actually has DLC, which makes it completely PWN Rock-Band Wii. It would have anyway, but still.

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DLC or not. Without a HDD or some kind of solution for the memory problem it'll be worthless.

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