Rumour; Sonic Unleashed to get Name-Change?

By Shane Jury 10.06.2008 18

A Game Guide that has recently appeared on Amazon gives a possible hint that the multi-platform title Sonic Unleashed will become Sonic World Adventure.

Whilst there is no cover for the Strategy Guide on Amazon's Page, named as being for Sonic World Adventure, the release date for the book coincides with Sonic Unleashed's November 4th date.

Adding more weight to the rumour, is a preview page from Prima, the makers of the Guide Book, which states that Sonic World Adventure will hit the Playstation 2, Playstation 3, X-Box 360, and Wii, the exact same 4 platforms as Unleashed.

Since the Screenshots and video of Sonic Unleashed were leaked before any confirmation from Sega, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to assume this one as genuine either.


According to Sega Europe Blogs, Sonic World Adventure was simply the original name for Unleashed, and Prima have yet to adapt to this change.

The mix-up is understandable most certainly, so I'll explain the base details. The rumour started when a guide appeared on an online store for the game "Sonic World Adventure", keen-eyed Sonic fans spotted this and reported it and so the snowball began. Sadly this is neither a new name nor a new game but infact an old name. You've got it the wrong way round fellas!

Unleashed was indeed, at an early developmental stage, going to be called Sonic World Adventure, it even had a WIP logo of sorts that featured on a verrrrry early cut of a promo video for the title. Who knows maybe in some dim and distant future said video will appear, but no - Unleashed Sonic is so Sonic Unleashed it shall be.

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Box art for Sonic Unleashed

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3D Platformer



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Gah. Why not just leave it as Sonic Unleashed? That's a cool name. Sonic World Adventure is not.

Sonic Wildfire was a cool name. Sonic and the Secret Rings was not. Smilie

( Edited 25.01.2013 22:54 by Guest )

And that game ended up becoming the best 3D Sonic title, bodes well in my opinion.;-Smilie

Can't say I mind either name, to be honest. Although with Sonic World Adventure, I might finally feel as if I've finished off the trilogy.Smilie

( Edited 25.01.2013 22:54 by Guest )

I would think any relation to Sonic Adventure would be a bad thing.

( Edited 24.01.2013 20:59 by Guest )

Of course they will change it.
The name is too good at the moment.

Probably like "Sonic & The Nights of Being A Warewolf With Stuff you Have To Collect"

( Edited 25.01.2013 22:54 by Guest ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Phoenixus said:
And that game ended up becoming the best 3D Sonic title, bodes well in my opinion.Smilie

Man, am I the ONLY one that thought Secret Rings was awful? Smilie

The Sonic Adventure games were WAY better.

( Edited 10.06.2008 16:53 by Ikana )

Sonic world adventures is a crappy name, Sonic unleashed sounds better because of when Sonic cahmges into a warewolf. Plus I hope that they dont start giving the new Sonic games "Adventure" at the end.Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Yeah they always end up switching to a lame name.
As long as they can redeem 3D Sonic I don't care. If they don't... well then it deserves a crappy name.

no Ikana, no you are not. It was a boring on rails game like racing games from years past where you only moved your car across the screen left or right and didnt feel like you were racing at all a la hang-on or outrun.

And I don't understand all the hate for the sonic adventure games, they are really good although I suppose its the in-thing at the mo to say all 3d sonics were rubbish.

It cannot be a TRUE Sonic Adventure game without Chao!


It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Secret Rings is about moving left and right *and jumping* *and attacking*.

So, much like the original 2D games in fact.
Only the horizontal axis is now into the screen instead.
Reversing is the only sucky bit, but its still far from a racing game.

\" I suppose its the in-thing since they were released to say all 3d sonics were rubbish.\"

fixed that for you.
Complaining about the 3D Sonic games has been going on since they came out.
Its not \"in\" its a simple bi-product of how worse they are then the 2D ones.

Sonic Adventure was a ok game, but after that they went exponetialy down hill.

Your free to dissgree, but dont act like its a \"fad\" for people to dislike them. They dislike them because THEY DISLIKE THEM :p

( Edited 10.06.2008 22:16 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Weren't there rumours that Chao Garden would return...?

I liked Secret Rings.... it was "wheeeeee!!" And that's good IMO.

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Why do they change it into something corney. Sonic World Adventure... Smilie

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Maybe it's to attract sales...

I mean I can't think of any reason to put "Adventure" in the title other than to reference the old Adventure DC/GC games. They did it with Sonic Rush Adventure. I thought Unleashed was pretty good though. It does sound cheesy, but what are we talking about here? Sonic? Oh yeah.

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Heh, good news from the update. Looks like Sonic World Adventure was the original name. Sonic Unleashed is what the game will be called by the looks of it now.

Ah, that's good, I guess Sonic World Adventure was when it was going under the working title of "Sonic Adventure 3" Smilie

Sonic Unleashed is a pretty good name. :3

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Well Unleashed definitely adds a "cool" factor which would attract some customers instead of WORLD ADVENTURE, yea!

They should just stick with Sonic Unleashed. It's a really good name.

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