Brothers in Arms Wii: New Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.06.2008 18

Ubisoft have released a handful of new shots from the Wii version of Brothers in Arms.

In development by Gearbox Software, the Wii installment of the famed war shooter takes the two original Brothers in Arms entries, Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 and Earned in Blood, and melds them into a motion controlled port.

Players can munch through 31 levels set during the Battle of Normandy.

The shots in the album below are a mixture of new and old from the Official Brothers in Arms: Double Time website.

Thanks to the folks at NeoGAF for the tip.

Box art for Brothers in Arms: Double Time





First Person Shooter



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AHHHHH my eyes.
But seriously, why just have a PS2 port? I mean the graphics are terrible.

( Edited 10.06.2008 11:26 by Stulaw )

It really does look like turd. Muddy, stretched textures, turd. Can't see much good coming out of this..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks great.



Forgive me, but isn't this the game that Ubisoft supposedly got running on an Unreal Engine 3?

OMG ewwwwwww! I could shit better graphics! Smilie

D_prOdigy said:
Forgive me, but isn't this the game that Ubisoft supposedly got running on an Unreal Engine 3?

I think so, or at least Unreal 2.

Unreal how bad it looks Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

BIA has always looked shit anyway I have a PC version which looks like absolute sheite


The GameCube utilized the Unreal engine 2.5 in Ubisoft's games, at least in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. The Wii is more capable of doing more than that.

In a recent interview, the developers of the Brothers in Arms series stated that the game had been done for a while. And they are waiting to release the game around the time of their new Brother in Arms game for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. I think it's to over shadow how badly the Wii game looks.

With all the third party engines designed for the Wii, like the Unity, the Quantum3, the Vicious Engine, the Torque engine, and the Gamebryo. It's sad to see that developers are so cheap that they will utilize ps2 toolsets to develop Wii games.

Wiistation ftl.

I think I now hate UBI more that EA!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Looks like a N64 game.

ChaosTheory is a heavily modified version of the Splinter Cell 1 engine. Splinter Cell 1 used the Unreal Engine 2 as the basis. I'm not saying Chaos Theory isn't Unreal, I'm just saying it's not 2.5! Red Steel uses the 2.5 engine believe it or not because the 2.5 engine came around when the Xbox 360 came out. That is why it is used in so much games like GRAW, R6 Vegas, Stranglehold etc...

Yeah Gears was the first UE3 game.

And it shows...It's still looks awesome and better than any of the licensees games *cough* - (too human looks bland). Can't wait for Gears 2.


The Unreal Engine 2.5 was used in Unreal Tournament 2004


Red Steel is supposedly using a modified version of the Unreal Engine 2.5

Yeah you're right, I just didn't know it was that old. Thanks

Fenton said:
BIA has always looked shit anyway I have a PC version which looks like absolute sheite

Not anymore it don't, it looks quality on 360 and PC.

Guest 12.06.2008#18

AHHHH!, oh dear lordSmilie, I am scared of that game now Smilie . Ubisoft please stop pushing crap onto the Wii, it doesnt deserve it.

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