Final Fantasy IV DS Gameplay Videos

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2008 8

Square-Enix have released a bundle of Western gameplay snippets from the upcoming DS Final Fantasy IV remake.

FFIV finally arrives in North America on July 22nd 2008, with Europe receiving RPG treatment sometime in the summer.

Box art for Final Fantasy IV



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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cant wait to get my hands on this i love old school rpgs

Why is it that RPG's turn based battles always look ridiculously slow in videos?

Not too long now. My first Final Fantasy love and I will meet again and rekindle a once deep and very meaningful relationship. Ahhhhh...

Just hope I don't cheat on her again with that hot "Secret Of Mana" girl or that "Chrono Trigger" hottie! Smilie

Because they play these battles that slow, that you can see what's going on. They do it on purpose...

It doesn't look bad. And there are cutscenes done in ingame-graphics... not bad an idea. Maybe that way they can give us more of them...?! Would be great.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!
Guest 05.06.2008#5

Damn I knew they would make the main character sound bad. Your majesty*pant pant*...what's become of you?*pant pant*...where's the noble knight? And why am I gay?


The rest looks ok.

This has been out in Japan for like a year now, hasn't it? Damn them.

~tonks said:
This has been out in Japan for like a year now, hasn't it? Damn them.

Came out in December 07, still a fair wait till the US version, and even more so for the European outing!

I wonder about the voice acting - will there be european voices? Or just subs?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Never played FFIV so this will be a good start. The FMVs are impressive.

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