Nintendo Details Band Brothers DX User-Sharing

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2008 5

More details have surfaced on the upcoming user-content for Band Brothers DX.

Daigasso! Band Brothers DX is one of the first Nintendo titles to seriously expand on basic user-created material, especially on the DS. The game allows players to create various songs, using some robust touch-screen tools, and save up to 100 on a single cartridge.

Those wanting to share their work around the globe can upload their material via Nintendo Wi-Fi connection for fellow owners to take up one of their slots with your beats.

Nintendo also intend on releasing some legally licensed material as free, regular downloads. The library suggests 63 currently available, including One Night Carnival from Ouendan and Real Life Real Heart from the sequel � popular music and video game arrangements from popular Nintendo titles are said to be a likely option in the future.

Thanks to Siliconera.

Box art for Jam with the Band
Also known as

Daigasso! Band Brothers DX









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Sounds great! Time to import. Smilie

I wish they would release this in the West. Or at least work with a third party and let them co-publish the game.

So the question is, is will we ever get this game at all? It sounds really awesome. They should really consider translating it.

Sounds, lol, bloody awesome! Would love to compose a tune or two and upload them, and even use the Wii channel for playback.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Added screens and the JPN box art to the game page (which you can see above)... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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