Dokapon Kingdom Rolls to the US

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.06.2008 2

Atlus have announced a unique blend of board games and RPGs in their multiplayer outing for Wii, Dokapon Kingdom.

It starts with a Kingdom, and a King. He seeks warriors to dispose of a invading bunch of monsters, and players take the role of one of the foursome asked to take on the gruelling task. That said, whoever disposes of the monsters and saves the Kingdom gets a pop at Princess Penny, yum.

  • Innovative board game-RPG crossover � Tired of shallow gameplay in party games? The genre gets retooled in this exuberant mix of role playing and board games! Encounter zany characters, collect rare items, and explore a fascinating kingdom on your quest to vanquish monsters, gather treasure, and level up!
  • The friendship-destroying game � Turn the heat up on your rivalries! Take on up to three other soon-to-be-ex-friends in the race for Princess Penny and the crown. Battle, steal, deface � playing dirty is the name of the game � through a variety of locales and challenges. After your friendships are broken, the game is just as much fun to play alone.
  • Never the same game twice � Tons of battles, magic spells, mini-games, and multiple play modes add up to endless replayability!
  • Easy, intuitive, and effective combat system � This is no boring game of hack-and-slash. Players covertly choose their actions in an intuitive battle interface that guarantees every fight will surprise.

    Dokapon Kingdom is due for a US release on October 14th, 2008 for Wii and PS2.

  • Box art for Dokapon Kingdom



    Big Ben


    Turn Based RPG



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    Hmmm looks interesting. Let's see where this goes.

    It has a Lego Star Wars/Indiana Jones quality to it's animations...
    Im definitely interested, moreso since I never got much into Mario Party because of the weird gameplay. This may be something for me...

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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