Nintendo's Wii Sports Tops 3 Million in Japan

By Adam Riley 31.05.2008 6

The latest Media Create sales are now in from Japan, showing how SEGA has topped the software chart with its new DS baseball title, Nintendo's resurrection of the Glory of Heracles RPG franchise has started slowly, and how Wii Sports has become the first game this generation to top three million. Check out the results below:

Media Create Top 50:
19th-25th May, 2008

PositionTitle/System/PublisherSales (Plus Total Where Available & Commentary)
1.)Let's Make a Pro Baseball Team! (NDS, Sega)59,321 | NEW
2.)Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP, Capcom)51,370 | 2,096,000
3.)Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo)47,758 | 1,317,000
4.)Wii Fit (Wii, Nintendo)36,455 | 2,110,000
5.)Glory of Hercules: Proof of Spirit (NDS, Nintendo)23,155 | NEW
6.)DS Beautiful Letter Training (NDS, Nintendo)15,282 | 233,000
7.)Scarlet Fragment DS (NDS, Idea Factory)15,261 | NEW
8.)Battalion Wars II (Wii, Nintendo)15,123 | 39,000
9.)Drum Master DS: Seven Island Adventure (NDS, Bandai-Namco)13,762 | 161,000
10.)Link's Crossbow Training (Wii, Nintendo)11,757 | 168,000
11.)Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 (PSP, Sony)Down from No.4
12.)Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo)Slipping two places and according to Media Create the game has sold over 3 million copies since launching alongside Wii in December 2006. With the Wii userbase in Japan at just over 6 million, it means roughly 1/2 of all owners have the game!
13.)We're Fossil Diggers (NDS, Nintendo)Falling three, but over 120,000 units now, far higher than expected after RED's Mecha game for Nintendo bombed badly
14.)Luminous Arc 2: Will (NDS, Marvelous Entertainment)Falling fast from last week's d�but of No.3, but sales are decent compared to the original, with nearly 50,000 sold now
15.)The Orange Box (360, EA)New entry
16.)Pok�mon Ranger: Batonnage (NDS, The Pok�mon Company)Falling a further five, and with ~550,000 sales so far it is selling comparably well to the original
17.)Tea Dog's Room DS 3 (NDS, MTO)New entry
18.)Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)Dropping three
19.)Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo)Falling two
20.)Musou Orochi: The Evil King Returns (PS2, Koei)Falling seven
21.)Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, Nintendo)Dropping a further two and struggling now with sales nearing 1.7 million
22.)Deca Sporta (Wii, Hudson)Down two more places, with sales fast approaching 200,000 units
23.)Haze (PS3, Spike)New entry
24.)Valkyria Chronicles (PS3, Sega)Down ten spots for this highly rated SRPG
25.)Tottado! Yowiko's Deserted Island Life (NDS, Bandai-Namco)Down seven
26.)New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo)Slipping two
27.)SimCity DS 2: From the Past to the Future (NDS, EA)Back down six and creeping towards sales of 150,000 units
28.)Kanji Brain Test 2.5M (NDS, IE Institute)Falling six
29.)Professor Layton and the Curious Village (NDS, Level 5)Holding steady for a second week
30.)Princess Nightmare (PS2, Views)New entry
31.)Professor Layton and Pandora's Box (NDS, Level 5)Back up two places
32.)Animal Crossing: Wild World (NDS, Nintendo)Climbing two
33.)Pro Baseball Spirits 5 (PS2, Konami)Falling from No.26
34.)Mario Party DS (NDS, Nintendo)Back up one
35.)Yatterman DS: Surprising, Startling Battle (NDS, Takara-Tomy)Climbing three
36.)Pok�mon Diamond (NDS, The Pok�mon Company)Falling back down five places
37.)Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi wo Yobu Cinema Land (NDS, Banpresto)Sliding seven spots
38.)Gyakuten Saiban 3 (NDS, Capcom)Back down six
39.)Gyakuten Saiban (NDS, Capcom)Falling down again from No.27
40.)Home Teacher Hitman Reborn! DS: Fate of Heat (NDS, Takara-Tomy)Dropping hard, down from No.25
41.)Harvest Moon: Shining Sun and Friends (NDS, Marvelous Entertainment)Slipping two
42.)Naruto: Shippuuden Shinobi Retsuden II (NDS, Takara-Tomy
Back down five places
43.)Drum Master DS (NDS, Bandai-Namco)Moving back up two
44.)Gyakuten Saiban 2 (NDS, Capcom)Falling four
45.)Pok�mon Pearl (NDS, The Pok�mon Company)Back down three
46.)Stranglehold (360, Success)New entry
47.)Gyakuten Saiban 4 (NDS, Capcom)Slipping eleven places
48.)More English Training (NDS, Nintendo)Back down four
49.)Musou Orochi (PSP, Koei)Re-entry
50.)Kanji Test 2 (NDS, Rocket Co.)Falling nine, but destined to climb back up no doubt

Media Create Hardware Chart

FormatThis WeekLast Week2008 SalesLifetime Sales
PlayStation Portable64,44970,5361,819,0729,420,666
Nintendo DS37,40434,9051,415,56122,588,612
PlayStation 39,0717,701417,6732,059,349
PlayStation 27,1897,022228,48321,155,520
Xbox 3601,9471,47458,448565,789

Stick around for more updates next week...

Box art for Glory of Heracles





Turn Based RPG



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This should be the last week that Wii Fit will be ahead of Monster Hunter Portable 2 in lifetime sales. Is it that awesome a game or is the PSP that starved for a good game?

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

It\'s a stupidly large franchise in Japan. It has its fans elsewhere, but the Monster Hunter games are generally recieved more much tepidly with critics and consumers in the west.

( Edited 29.05.2008 16:32 by D_prOdigy )

The PSP is now thrashing the DS! Oh how times change. Then again the DS had such a ridiculous lead that the PSP won't catch it.

I'm also amazed that the Wii is still selling 5X more then the competition.

Good to see Battilion Wars Wii is still in the top 10.

BWii is perhaps the best success story in the Japan charts in recent weeks.

PSP is selling purely as a homebrew machine and media player now. DS has done it's job; it's passed PS2, and considering it's starting to slowly saturate Japan, it's still doing remarkably well to outsell PS3 by 4:1

BWii should easily fly by the paltry 55,000 the GC version sold, and Luminous Arc 2 should beat its predecessor's ~67,000 total. Good news all round!

Not sure how well previous Glory of Heracles games sold, but this fifth entry for DS sold half of its initial stock in the first week, which isn't a bad sign.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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