Sigma Harmonics Japanese Website Launches

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.05.2008 2

The official Japanese site for the upcoming Square-Enix DS RPG Sigma Harmonics has launched.

Due for release on August 21st 2008, the game focuses on the adventures of a supernatural detective who solves mysteries using his unique powers. Players explore using a top-down view, visiting areas where stange things have occurred in the past. He can read traces of spirits to see what's happened, and create clues to solve these mysteries.

There will be some enemy encounters in 3D using a blend of turn based and card attacks.

Thanks to NeoGAF's duckroll.

  • Official Sigma Harmonics website.
  • Box art for Sigma Harmonics

    Square Enix


    Square Enix





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    European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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    Does this have anything to do with Sigma Star Saga? Smilie

    Nope. That game is by US team WayForward, whereas this is by Square Enix, the team that previously worked Crisis Core PSP, Dirge of Cerberus PS2 and the main FF series (VII, VIII, X, and the upcoming XIII).

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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