Dementium Set to Scare Japanese Nintendo DS Owners

By Adam Riley 26.05.2008 1

Renegade Kid's excellent Nintendo DS horror title, Dementium: The Ward is finally getting a Japanese release, complete with a scary new trailer. Interchannel Holon is set to bring 'Dementium: The Ward' to Japan this July and the publisher has now opened the game's official website and put out a re-shot trailer that will no doubt appeal more to the Japanese public, taking on a horror movie style approach. Check out the video below:

A European release has still yet to be announced...

Box art for Dementium: The Ward

Renegade Kid







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Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Excellent. I hope the game does well there and shows the development community what\'s possible on DS. They really need a kick up their arses there and need to stop creating low quality crap..

Jules posted his Vlog last week. This week talking about how he got in the industry and what you need to do to get into it.

( Edited 26.05.2008 17:40 by Linkyshinks )

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