Monster Rancher Sequel Coming to Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 25.05.2008 3

According to reports, Tecmo was sufficiently pleased with sales of its first Monster Rancher game on DS and is set to bring a sequel to Japan on Nintendo's portable later this year. Following a respectable start of just over 20,000 sales in its first week on sale back in July last year, the Cing-developed title is getting a follow-up called Monster Farm DS 2: Yomigaeru! Master Leader Densetsu on 7th August.

Monster Rancher DS (NDS, Tecmo)

In this monster-breeding game, players must raise their creatures and battle in various tournaments. Using the stylus gamers can draw images to creatre specialised monsters, or even talk into the microphone to aid their growth. There will be more than 270 creature types on offer this time round, which is a massive leap over the previous edition's roster that had around 80 less than that. The game is said to be far meatier than its predecessor, so fans can expect a far improved experience.

Sadly the first game has yet to launch outside Japan and nothing has been confirmed for this entry either as of yet...


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Hmm. This makes me want to play Digimon World on PSone. Man, Metalgreymon must be missing me.

monster rancher game play was amazing..
memories of monster rancher 2.. still in my head.. <3

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
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Screens for the new game have now been added Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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