Drum Master Wii, New Tales RPG for Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 25.05.2008 5

Bandai Namco has revealed some of its future plans in a recent disclosing of its financial data in a new report released. Fans of rhythm games on Wii and RPGs on DS in Japan should definitely take note. Following the success of the first Drum Master on DS (400,000 units sold in Japan and the game is STILL lingering around the Top 50 to this very day) and the strong start of its portable sequel of 'Taiko no Tatsujin' (to give it its Japanese moniker; the game has sold 150,000 copies in just four weeks on sale), Bandai Namco has decided a Wii version is long overdue. This will be the first home console edition since Taiko no Tatsujin: Doka to Oomori Nanadaime on the PlayStation 2 in 2006 and looks to herald a new home for the once Sony-only series on Nintendo formats.

Taiko no Tatsujin DS Touch de Dokodon! (NDS, Bandai Namco)

In other news, there was also mention of a third Tales RPG for the Nintendo DS. Sadly neither Tales of the Tempest or the fantastic Tales of Innocence have been announced for a Western release so far, despite both selling over 200,000 copies in Japan, but it can only be hoped that this new version does get a translation. Whereas expectations for Innocence were considerably lowered after the sales disaster of Tempest (which only accrued its decent-sized sales thanks to a price collapse, with new copies reportedly being sold now for mere pounds), the response to Innocence thanks to good word-of-mouth means Bandai Namco is expecting 400,000 sales from the new, currently untitled outing in the long-running RPG franchise.

Tales of Innocence (NDS, Bandai Namco)

Finally, there is a Dragonball game coming to DS this year. Shocking? Not really, but notice the lack of a 'Z' there? Yes, this will be based on the original series...and it is indeed coming to Europe this year, as well as Japan.

Good news all round? If Drum Master and Tales come to Europe, then definitely yes...

Box art for Tales of Innocence



Namco Bandai





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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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Bout time there was a Japanese music rythmn game announced for the Wii. I enjoy playing Drum Master on the DS and look forward to how they do with the Wiimote and such.

As for the Tales game, though it\'s nice to see more announcments, there is really no point if they won\'t get translated. Really hope ToI gets translated.

( Edited 25.05.2008 13:55 by mOojc )

mOojc pretty much hit it on the head. Namco could make the greatest RPG ever on DS (and with the Tales series, that's not wholly impossible) but with no western release, it would count for absoltely nothing for anyone not living in Japan.

WoOtZ! Drum Master Wii Smilie Chato! Chato!, Taiko No Tatsujin!

It should play like a dream on Wii, whatever crazy control scheme they come up with I am sure it will play brilliantly. I love the fact I will be able to import it. Did the PS2 game have a custom controller, I cannot remember.

Adam, do you think there is any likelihood of both DS games coming to the west officially?. I have the first on the DS but would rather wait for the sequel than splash out now.

None of the other Drum Master games have ever come to the West, have they? Sadly Bandai Namco is strange about what it does and doesn't translate. Surely seeing how well the Bandai Namco-developed Donkey Konga games did on a system like the GameCube would show the company how rhythm games can sell over here... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
None of the other Drum Master games have ever come to the West, have they? Sadly Bandai Namco is strange about what it does and doesn't translate. Surely seeing how well the Bandai Namco-developed Donkey Konga games did on a system like the GameCube would show the company how rhythm games can sell over here... Smilie

Definitely. Look how well Ouendan did in import sales and it even got it's own Western transition.

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