Football RPG Heading to Nintendo's Wii?

By Adam Riley 25.05.2008 2

Popular Japanese developer Level-5, the team behind the Professor Layton and Dark Cloud series, has revealed that its has big plans for its Inazuma Eleven franchise, with not just a Nintendo DS game coming, but a home console edition as well. During a Press Conference in Tokyo recently, the developer announced that there will be an anime show produced by OLM (the people behind Pok�mon and Deltora Quest), as well as a trading card game based on Inazuma Eleven and a comic book series that will feature in CoroCoro Comics starting this month. The first RPG-cum-football sim videogame entry, which Cubed³ previewed at the end of last year, will be on the Nintendo DS and is set for release in Japan during August.

On top of all this there are plans to bring Inazuma Eleven to the world of home consoles, although no particular format was revealed at the time. However, Inazuma Eleven Break!, as it will be called, could very well be coming to Wii considering Level-5's recent massive success with the first two Professor Layton games in Japan and the fact that the first Inazuma Eleven is coming to DS anyway. In addition to this, Level-5 President, Akihiro Hino, who mentioned how this would be the company's first ever self-published home console effort (Layton was its first self-published handheld game) also stated the Wii was a strong contender to get the team's first efforts in this new territory.

As for when or if we will see Inazuma Eleven in the West, nothing was said, yet considering how Nintendo jumped at the chance to bring Professor Layton and the Curious Village to the US earlier this year, it would be surprising if this is not snapped up as well.

Box art for Inazuma Eleven





Turn Based RPG



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Meaningless unless it comes out in the West. Hope the DS version does.

It seems like the style of RPG that would definitely appeal to Western audiences, so I don't see why it wouldn't get at least a US release, especially given how close Level-5 and Nintendo seem to be following the success of Professor Layton.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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