Evolution RPG Heading to Nintendo's Wii?

By Adam Riley 24.05.2008 3

According to a new rumour it appears that Sting may well be resurrecting Evolution on Wii. Following the release of the PlayStation 2 port of Baroque to Wii, Japanese developer Sting, also known for its work on Riviera: The Promised Land and Yggdra Union on GBA, as well as the forthcoming Knights in the Nightmare on DS, is apparently about to bring back its Dreamcast RPG series 'Evolution' from the dead. There were two entries into the RPG series on SEGA's ill-fated Dreamcast, with an amalgamation of the two on GameCube called Evolution Worlds, which Ubisoft published.

If true, what do readers make of this news? Be sure to let us know by posting below...

Box art for Evolution Worlds





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now there is a blast from the past, played the 1st on dreamcast and it is absolutely awful.
Also yay another port for wii!

Well, who knows...it COULD be a new entry, which would be better considering Sting's recent output has been very good.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I remember playing the one on GC, wasn't too bad actually. Also a fan of Sting's Riviera: The Promised Land and Yggdra Union on GBA. There seems to be a lot of resurrecting of DC games lately, hope it's true. Smilie

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