WiiWare Tetris With Balance Board Support?

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.05.2008 5

Hudson recently discussed the upcoming WiiWare version of the classic puzzler, Tetris.

Whilst speaking to Siliconera about forthcoming WiiWare projects, the company was quizzed on what differences there'd be in the new downloadable Tetris for Wii.

Will Tetris for WiiWare have any new features other than Mii support or online play? Maybe drag and drop play like Dr. Mario & Virus Busters?

It features a number of new rules and items. Currently, we're tossing around the idea of using the Balance Board. The game also supports 6-Player Wi-Fi battle.

Image for WiiWare Tetris With Balance Board Support?

Would you strut your stuff to manipulate tetris blocks on screen, or would a comfortable relaxing puzzle session on the couch be a better option?

Box art for Tetris Party



Tetris Online





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I'm all of a fluster!

I really cannot wait for this now, I really fancy some online tetris action on a home console.

However, the talk of 'New rules and items' scares me a little. I do hope they retain an option to play the game in a 'classic' fashion!

May you be in heaven for half an hour before the devil knows you are dead.

Sounds cool just don't know what gameplay elements the Balance board can bring to tetris.

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Another weird one that I was considering thinking about the Balance Board. The idea is fairly obvious; increase the panic by having the user physically move about to shift the pieces side to side, lean back/forwards to make them go faster, stomp left foot to turn anticlockwise, stomp right to turn block clockwise...not sure how well it'd work, but it's an interesting idea for sure.


A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Wow, I'd have to say that I'm quite amazed that everyone is trying to use the Balance Board in their games nowadays. Makes me really want Wii Fit that much more.

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