Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Dated in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.05.2008 9

Square Enix have sent in a press release for the upcoming release of Final Fantasy Tactics A2 in Europe.

  • Turned based battles in an isometric environment.
  • Lead a clan of fighters, mages and more as you explore the world of Ivalice from Final Fantasy XII.
  • Battle enemies with steel, magic and by summoning monsters.
  • Immersive soundtrack from the composer of Final Fantasy XII.
  • More than 300 different quests and 50 jobs.
  • Includes touch screen functionality - previously unavailable in the Japanese version.

    Our tale begins as Luso, an energetic young boy, discovers a mysterious book whilst tidying the library as a punishment for his latest episode of light-hearted mischief. He opens the book and is transported to another world called Ivalice. Before he can catch his breath, he finds himself joining a clan led by a friendly, if gruff, man named Cid. With his new clan at his side, he sets out to find a way home…

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2 hits Europe on June 27th 2008.

  • Box art for Final Fantasy Tactics A2

    Square Enix


    Square Enix





    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  8/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (14 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    I was never a fan of the Tactics series, but still, it should be an interesting one to keep an eye on. Just more of the same I guess Smilie

    May you be in heaven for half an hour before the devil knows you are dead.

    Sounds pretty good - I didn't get the chance to play the GBA one, so this may be worth getting I reckon.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Hmm, i really need to get itno tactical games more. I might give this one a look into if i have the time and money. Looks good so far.

    now where ff4?

    Sounds cool. Although the chances of me getting it are slim to none.

    Jump_button said:
    now where ff4?

    Now that you mention it, good question.

    ( Edited 19.05.2008 23:59 by Stulaw )

    FFIV and DQIV are coming to Europe in the next few months. Be patient, the official PR pieces will be coming soon enough.

    And I've got the final Euro version of pretty much rocks! So glad they added touch-screen control.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    Can't wait! Love FFTA.

    Yes yes yes yes!!! This is THE game I've been wanting for my DS!

    tiamat1990 said:
    Yes yes yes yes!!! This is THE game I've been wanting for my DS!

    me too, its been a while since an rpg has looked so good for me on the ds

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