Metal Slug 7 Debut DS Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.05.2008 13

SNK Playmore have released a new trailer for the upcoming Metal Slug outing on DS.

The eighth title in the longrunning series sees the first console release without an arcade version. Players use the D-pad to move about in classic formation, with the lower screen holding map/status information.

According to Famitsu the game hits stores in Japan on July 22nd 2008.

Box art for Metal Slug 7

SNK Playmore


SNK Playmore


Run and Gun



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Good as ever I say!

Glenjamin said:
Good as ever I say!

Ageed. Looking forward to this.

Definitely will be getting this, I love my Metal Slug. Hope it has the essentials such as co-op and must I say ONLINE co-op as well. Smilie

looks action packed, may look into it, i havent played any other metal slugs. might get antholodgy, ive heard thats good.

Eighth title? There are loads of Metal Slug games, so I'm not sure about that.

It's great that an entry in the main series is a DS exclusive though. I've always liked Metal Slug, just not enough to want buy, you know what I mean?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Eighth title? There are loads of Metal Slug games, so I\'m not sure about that.

I\'m not too sure where it stands, but in the official line of things (discrediting the portable/mobile versions and compilations...)

Metal Slug
Metal Slug 2
Metal Slug X
Metal Slug 3
Metal Slug 4
Metal Slug 5
Metal Slug 6

Makes it the 8th title in the numerical chain.

Many of the mobile/console versions of late have either been compilations/anthologies of past Neo-Geo Metal Slug games, or remakes/ports.

So officially, SNK are calling this the 8th title in the series.

I did do my research.

( Edited 18.05.2008 13:58 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Makes it the 8th title in the numerical chain.

X is a remake of 2 I think. Also there's Metal Slug 3D, Metal Slug Advance etc.

I'm not a huge fan so I don't know for sure what's canonicle and whatnot.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Oh heck yes. Definitely looking forward to this.

Let me entertain you:

Metal Slug - Discography

Note: Although a game is listed it may not have been released in a specific territory.

Arcade & Console
1996 - Metal Slug: Super Vehicle 001
1998 - Metal Slug 2
1999 - Metal Slug X (Remake of Metal Slug 2)
2000 - Metal Slug 3
2002 - Metal Slug 4
2003 - Metal Slug 5
2006 - Metal Slug 6
2006 - Metal Slug [3D]
2006 - Metal Slug Anthology

Neo-Geo Pocket Colour
1999 - Metal Slug: 1st Mission
2000 - Metal Slug: 2nd Mission

Game Boy Advance
2004 - Metal Slug Advance

2004 - Metal Slug Mobile
2004 - Metal Slug STG
2005 - Metal Slug Mobile: Impact
2005 - Metal Slug: Allen's Battle Chronicles
2005 - Metal Slug Survivors

IMO, a series involves releases on the console and/or arcade format. I don't think mobile releases or spin-offs form part of the main series. If

1996 - Metal Slug: Super Vehicle 001
1998 - Metal Slug 2
1999 - Metal Slug X (Remake of Metal Slug 2)
2000 - Metal Slug 3
2002 - Metal Slug 4
2003 - Metal Slug 5
2006 - Metal Slug 6
2006 - Metal Slug [3D]

If we count X as a remake, then Metal Slug 7 IMO is the 8th proper entry in the series.

Taking as an example, Zelda. Would you couldn't the Panasonic Zelda games as part of the series? Or Link's Crossbow Training etc.

Metal Slug 7 (??????? 7, Metal Slug 7?) is a run and gun video game for the Nintendo DS and the eighth title in the Metal Slug series. It was announced in the September 2007 issue of Famitsu[2] and marks the first game in the main series that will be released without an arcade version.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Taking as an example, Zelda. Would you couldn't the Panasonic Zelda games as part of the series? Or Link's Crossbow Training etc.

That's true, but Metal Gear Advance is canonicle according to Wikipedia; also:

Metal Slug (???????, Metaru Suraggu?), also called Metal Slug 3D to distinguish it from the original Metal Slug, is a run and gun video game for the Sony PlayStation 2. It was developed and published by SNK Playmore and was released in Japan on June 29, 2006. It has yet to be announced for release in other territories. It is the eighth game in the main Metal Slug series, and the first game of the series to be presented in 3D.

Metal Slug 3D is ALSO the 8th game Smilie

So I conclude that the game's Wikipedia page is very incomplete.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

IMO, a series involves releases on the console and/or arcade format. I don't think mobile releases or spin-offs form part of the main series.

Oh I agree I just posted the spin-games just to inform everyone. I don't know any details on 3D is that not a remake of another one in the series?

imo X is just a side story game done on the Play Station. Whats to argue SNK named this one 7Smilie

Anyway #7 looks to be great the two new Metal Slugs look interesting. I may just buckle down and get a DS with this (including Tetris and MK). I didn't notice any multiplayer unless the four DS's represented 4 players. It looks like they included the special moves from six, but I dont see the slide move from # 4 or the transforming Metal Slug from # 5. I just hope this game includes all the great things metalslug Has to offer while bringing something new to the franchise.

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