Rumour: Phoenix Wright Canned in Europe?

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.05.2008 16

Recent reports have suggested that Phoenix Wright's last outing, Trials and Tribulations, may not be hitting Europe.

Trials and Tribulations is the third entry in Capcom's Ace Attorney franchise.

According to fansite Court Records, via C3 reader Superlink, there's a strong suggestion from both Capcom and Nintendo that the title will not see a release over here. Rumours suggest that because Trials and Tribulations couldn't receive a 12+ PEGI rating and be suitable for younger children, it may not fit in with previous installments. The game itself doesn't appear officially on Nintendo of Europe's pages, yet can still be accessed.

Be sure to stick with C3 for confirmation/updates on the Trials and Tribulations of Phoenix Wright. In the meantime, have a gander at the C3 review for Ace Attorney 4, Apollo Justice.

Box art for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials & Tribulations








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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Yay! My first real life C3 tip! Smilie

On other more serious news, what's NoE and CoE's email addresses? *gun loading noise*

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I suppose fans could always get the US version, I have seen it relatively cheap second hand in a London store recently.

Linkyshinks said:
I suppose fans could always get the US version, I have seen it relatively cheap second hand in a London store recently.

Wouldn't be the same tho, missing out a part of a series and moving onto the fourth seems really odd imo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It\'s not that. It\'s the way the game was even cancelled in the first place, not to mention those who aren\'t part of any communities will have NO IDEA a 3rd PW even exists, especially since NoE are calling Apollo Justice Ace Attorney 3 rather than Ace Attorney 4...

Also they think the series is for children. I\'ve never heard such BS in my life. I honestly don\'t think children would go for an interactive novel stuffed with pop-culture references, mature jokes and innuendos. Not to mention all the sinister plots and death themes. What the fuck were NoE thinking when they promoted this series?

On the new AA Microsite, there\'s a \"Parents FAQ\". I actually lol\'d. That\'s messed up.

( Edited 13.05.2008 18:53 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I haven't got any of the PW's (yet... I wanna get them all some time for a great bargain price) but I always took it as a given that they would all be released in Europe. Sure they are delayed compared to the US and Japan, but its stupid that they would want to have us skip over an entry in the series. Hmm, here I come.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! In the style of Franziska Von Karma, those foolish foolish fools in their foolishly foolish ways!

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We Europeans need to set up our own gaming empire. Then we could screw over Japan and the US, just for revenge.

At least there's finally been an explanation of some sort, not that it compensates for the unlikely release date...

They probably didn't even bother appealing...

This is what we get for importing them. Smilie less popularity in BRITAAAAIIN!

bilfred89 said:
those foolish foolish fools in their foolishly foolish ways!

A foolish British release date is now nothing but a foolish fool's foolish dreams dreaming of a foolish dream!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

jb said:
Linkyshinks said:
I suppose fans could always get the US version, I have seen it relatively cheap second hand in a London store recently.

Wouldn't be the same tho, missing out a part of a series and moving onto the fourth seems really odd imo.

It's undoubtedly weird and a shame, I agree. It's not Capcom's fault though if it does happen, it's more likely the ratings board and a stupid decision they have made. Someone who has the game and knows the content might be able to shed some light on why this may of happened?.

It's always a shame when a game in a series does not get released here, it can be extremely annoying to fans, but then older fans will import if need be. I only have 1 and 2 myself, I intend to get the rest second hand when I see them. As much as I like the games I think in terms of content they are expensive.

I think they are fully worth full price. But I\'m a big fan.

The refusal for a 12+ rating? I can\'t really think of something instantly. Mason might be able to. I am currently in the middle of replaying the game.

Perhaps the stronger themes of death? The waitress outfit? (lol) I\'m thinking it might have something to do with the last case, but I honestly can\'t remember anything that is much worse than JFA.

It passed as a T for Teen in the US. Either PEGI are being really fickle, or there is something that is absolutely not OK for 12 year olds, but fine for 13 year olds.

Also, I just realised something. The news piece that I tipped is the 10,000th newsie ever on C3! SmilieSmilie SWEET!!!

( Edited 13.05.2008 22:18 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Can't think of any reason T&T would get a higher rating than any of the other games. I'm not sure you can have a more violent murder. It's still a fuckin' murder.

Violence is the only thing I can think of that would result in a higher rating.

Honestly, I thought, that Ace Attorney always was a thingy for older gamers, meaning... well... 12 and up. So why the ruckus?
Just release it here and we knidly and gently ram into your head, that games aren't for kiddies only, Capcom. *warm smile*

Heck, and I thought trying to teach the Germans 'animated movie' doesn't mean 'children movie' was difficult...

SuperLink said:
Yay! My first real life C3 tip!

Yay! congrats! Smilie

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

It's like Europeans and Americans on Anime cartoons. Mostly not for children, yet even stuff like Tenchi Muyo is censored enough for children to watch it. Smilie

The dubbers looked at the fan service and though "What's that doing in there?" so they just took it out.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Guys, simply head over to or something and get the Japanese versions of the first three as they've been re-released at really low prices and have English translations in them...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
Guys, simply head over to or something and get the Japanese versions of the first three as they've been re-released at really low prices and have English translations in them...

I've heard the Japanese versions have slightly poor English translations, with typos and stuff. I already own all three, it's just that NoE's complete disregard for the third game and their view on the target audience disgusts me.

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