Well, it's been a jolly couple of days and the such. Last week of school has been exams... it would have been hard if I cared about my grades.
But I don't.
I liked the half days, but now it's time to go back to long days. What bullshit. I liked coming home early and eating lots of food and watching The Price Is Right, but now I'm forced to stay in school from 7:30 - 2:30. Please. Kill. Me.
Downloaded lots of techno. I have to say I do like it, playing all the songs in a row just flows through and sounds like one big song. I just gotta go rave dude.
Thanks for being coo Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I don't have to go to shcool today because of you.
Ahh, a good 29-7 score at de_inferno really makes you feel better. Why is it whenever I make one of these blog entries I'm listening to John Frusciante? Hmph hmph hmph.
I haven't gotten comments in awhile. I'm so let down.
Been a tough time without Cubed3. Soveryglad it's back.
I bought season 2 of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast. I've had many good laughs, but today I most unwillingly had to attend school. That was pretty gay. After that I just sat on the computer like a bum... played a little CS and now I'm here. I don't want to go to school tommorow.
Lately I've been looking for the box of my THPS4 game. I can't find it anywhere. That's when I remembered at that one garage sale when I sold a Tony Hawk game... I still have my other ones, so I must have sold Tony Hawk 4. Thing is... I still have the disc here! So I sold someone an empty box? That must have sucked for them.
Welp, it's 2005. What the hell happened to 2004? Oh well, no one gives a shit. I hope this year doesn't blow like the last one. Wait, they all do. Nevermind.
I've decided that the name int_heca blows. It doesn't make sense. Now I want to be lookingood. It makes much more sense.
I went to this asian dude's house today and they were having a Halo 2 lan with about 9 people. We set up all the tvs and stuff and I got totally owned (it was my first time playing). All in all it was a good time. Later on, I played CS and got 9-8 at Aztec! It just made my day.
Played Counterstrike tonight. 9-19 at Dust2. Damn I'm bad at Counterstrike. And I hate it when I storm a room and no one follows me. How am I going to storm six CTs alone? Gahhh.