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Notice: Cubed3 are no longer accepting new reader blogs (as of 17th January 2015). Existing blog entries will be available to read, archived below.

The prizes are not my forte

Now Listening to: Andrew D - Red Pill

Well, it's been a jolly couple of days and the such. Last week of school has been exams... it would have been hard if I cared about my grades.

But I don't.

I liked the half days, but now it's time to go back to long days. What bullshit. I liked coming home early and eating lots of food and watching The Price Is Right, but now I'm forced to stay in school from 7:30 - 2:30. Please. Kill. Me.

Downloaded lots of techno. I have to say I do like it, playing all the songs in a row just flows through and sounds like one big song. I just gotta go rave dude. Smilie

World Champions Sexy.

Now Listening to: Iggy Pop - Fall In Love With Me

World Champions Sexy.

Day off.

Now Listening to: Pixies - Havalina

Thanks for being coo Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I don't have to go to shcool today because of you.


Now Listening to: JF: Blood On My Neck

Ahh, a good 29-7 score at de_inferno really makes you feel better. Why is it whenever I make one of these blog entries I'm listening to John Frusciante? Hmph hmph hmph.

I haven't gotten comments in awhile. I'm so let down.


Now Listening to: John F: In Relief

Been a tough time without Cubed3. Soveryglad it's back. Smilie


Now Listening to: Flaming Lips - Unconsiously Screaming

I bought season 2 of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast. I've had many good laughs, but today I most unwillingly had to attend school. That was pretty gay. After that I just sat on the computer like a bum... played a little CS and now I'm here. I don't want to go to school tommorow.


Now Listening to: John Frusciante - Your Pussy Is Glued To A Building On Fire

Lately I've been looking for the box of my THPS4 game. I can't find it anywhere. That's when I remembered at that one garage sale when I sold a Tony Hawk game... I still have my other ones, so I must have sold Tony Hawk 4. Thing is... I still have the disc here! So I sold someone an empty box? That must have sucked for them.

New Year.

Now Listening to: John Frusciante - Carvel

Welp, it's 2005. What the hell happened to 2004? Oh well, no one gives a shit. I hope this year doesn't blow like the last one. Wait, they all do. Nevermind.

I've decided that the name int_heca blows. It doesn't make sense. Now I want to be lookingood. It makes much more sense. Smilie


Now Listening to: New York Dolls - Looking For A Kiss

I went to this asian dude's house today and they were having a Halo 2 lan with about 9 people. We set up all the tvs and stuff and I got totally owned (it was my first time playing). All in all it was a good time. Later on, I played CS and got 9-8 at Aztec! It just made my day.


Now Listening to: Rammstein

Played Counterstrike tonight. 9-19 at Dust2. Damn I'm bad at Counterstrike. And I hate it when I storm a room and no one follows me. How am I going to storm six CTs alone? Gahhh.

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