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Metroid anything new?

Metroid one of the greatest puzzle/FPS games in history, so what's happened to it?

There has been no recent news of a new Metroid coming soon, so has this amazing franchise stopped or is some sequel being made in secret and no news of it has been found out or released by Nintendo, well that is where I am lost where I can not find anything on it. So I wish to ask Cubed3 subscribers to fill in that gap or at least give their thoughts about it, thanks for helping.

Zelda 2014?

So there have been these magnificent recent Zelda games; Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword etc.
But what about the next Zelda not a remake just a plain new one what is going to happen with it was is it going to be about or more accurately what do you think it is going to be about?

I have learned from WiiUdaily that it is going to be the largest Zelda ever made and is being worked on by hundreds of people including the original producers. It is supposed to be the biggest Zelda ever and according to WiiUdaily should come out in fall 2014. Its is so big that the first dungeon is the size of Hyrule field in Ocarina of Time, and that some dungeons are so long and immense that they are composed of three parts. 

Now a few suggestions about what it is about would be appreciated.

Pikmin 3, but what happened to the old Pikmin?

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So Pikmin 3 is supposed to come out soon during Q1/Q2 but what ever happened to the Pikmin 1.
/Pikmin 2 legacy?

So what ever did happen to it, it was lost in time, except for when they made a remake on Wii that just wasn't the same. Because of all these new games coming out they were lost and very few people still played it and so they decided to make Pikmin 3 but a lot, lot later than the previous games. 

So does anyone remember them, still play them?

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