For safekeeping:
17:05 Grumbler zomg reggie
Benmeister he annoys me
Grumbler he's hot
shiptoncraig he's happy!
knighty WOOOO
Benmeister still plow him though
knighty reggie*
Megadanxzero My internets aren't working at all >,<
knighty XDDDDD
Grumbler so basically hours of sales figures
17:06 Benmeister my grans not
<- knighty has disconnected (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Megadanxzero I can hear him... But I can't see him
shiptoncraig his hands are annoying
-> teh_gam3r has joined c3ate3
Grumbler i luv stats
17:07 shiptoncraig he's talking, but it's a load of nothing really
Megadanxzero Is everyone watching it in your browser window?
Grumbler popup
Megadanxzero Because I just opened it in WMP
Megadanxzero ''
Megadanxzero Open URL FTW ;3
17:08 Megadanxzero Also, full screen FTW
17:09 Megadanxzero *yawns*
-> knighty has joined c3ate3
Slydevil (
knighty did i miss anything?
Megadanxzero XD
knighty ive got the stream up again
Megadanxzero Nope...
knighty i thought not
knighty good
knighty ewww older players
17:10 Grumbler don't kare fuck off reggie
Grumbler show me pokemanz
Benmeister how long will this last?
Megadanxzero Someone throw something at him >,<
Grumbler usually about an hour]
Grumbler sony is a 7:30
17:11 Marzy lol
knighty fuck off reggie
Megadanxzero Piss off, females aren't players!
knighty the feed quality is antastic
knighty fantastic*
Grumbler yeah
Slydevil reggie smells
<- teh_gam3r has disconnected (Quit)
17:12 Marzy Didn't we hear all this last year?
knighty yeah
Grumbler yes
Megadanxzero Yeah, but with less big words
-> Ziekerz has joined c3ate3
Marzy Thought so
Megadanxzero He's had an extra year to think about it
17:13 Grumbler ENOUGH STATS
Benmeister MILFS
Slydevil Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Grumbler ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooffff
knighty i love how noone laughs
knighty awkward silence
Grumbler lol
Benmeister satistic?
Megadanxzero Sadistic?
17:14 knighty XDDDD
-> James2t3 has joined c3ate3
Marzy at last
knighty im a little behind you guys
Megadanxzero He's a sadist!
Benmeister i bet he craps stats
Grumbler you guys areahead of me
knighty same
James2t3 greetings
Grumbler woot
Benmeister howdy
Grumbler oh god he had to say nintendogs
shiptoncraig Satellaview
Grumbler 3 e3s in a row
knighty haha
17:15 James2t3 has it started?
knighty yes!
James2t3 wha i thought it was half 5
Grumbler only boring shit so far though
Grumbler started early
Grumbler just sales stats
James2t3 ok
Megadanxzero He keeps waving at me...
Grumbler no corny miyamoto intro or anything
Slydevil nintendi is fad lolz
17:16 Megadanxzero It's slightly arousing
Slydevil I want corny intro
Grumbler tell us how many games in europe LOL
17:17 knighty i dont want everyone to be a gamer
Marzy about the hundreth time, lol
Megadanxzero lol, people aren't in Europe
knighty i like beign a loser
Marzy wtf????
Grumbler more web 2 bullshit
shiptoncraig my baby
Marzy Is this....
17:18 Slydevil
IfritXVII lol
Grumbler ((((((((((((((((((((
shiptoncraig LOL
Grumbler pokemanz mmo naaaw
shiptoncraig no its that nasty woman again
knighty free destructoid advertising
knighty lulz
Grumbler eurgh
Marzy This is gay...
17:19 Benmeister ooooooooooo
Grumbler i call fake
Slydevil Ooo
James2t3 ok what the fuck was that
Benmeister wtf
Megadanxzero XD
shiptoncraig ew
Benmeister thats hideous
Marzy lol!
knighty wtf you
IfritXVII ewww
shiptoncraig it's an SMG
knighty yo*
Grumbler OMG
James2t3 superscope?
Grumbler most retarded contraption I've ever seen
knighty XD
shiptoncraig lol!
Grumbler hahahahahaha
Marzy LOL!
Grumbler hahahahahahahahaha
17:20 Grumbler testzap
Slydevil HAA
knighty XD
James2t3 cringe
knighty lol asian
Benmeister aaaahahahahaha he is so witty
Slydevil ZAP ZAP ZAP
James2t3 widescreen?
Ziekerz lol I have no idea what your talking about
Megadanxzero lol terrorists
Benmeister ZZAP!
Ziekerz I just started it
Benmeister that was an awesome show
knighty how the fuck does a lightgun work on the wii
knighty it cant detect where you fire
17:21 James2t3 it's just the pointer
knighty his eyes scare me
Grumbler what's the point of a gun when you have touse the cursor anyway?
knighty they're like O_O
Slydevil 0.o
Benmeister 'penetration' LOL
shiptoncraig lol!
Marzy LOL!
knighty ust a holder grumbler
knighty thats a bit pricey
Marzy Too expensive, lol
James2t3 fairly cheap
17:22 knighty ZELDA
knighty lulz
knighty >_>;
James2t3 19.99 dolers though
knighty DAWLERS
knighty YOU PAY 19.99 DAWLER
knighty boring shit
knighty hurry up
Grumbler soul calibur looks terrible
knighty yeah
Benmeister aye.
shiptoncraig bad draw distance
17:23 Slydevil DEEP
knighty mmmm ninja gaiden
Marzy Wow...
knighty im so far behind you guys
-> MonkeyWiiPoke has joined c3ate3
Marzy Same
Grumbler same
Marzy Lol
James2t3 woot sqaure
MonkeyWiiPoke HI THAR
Grumbler HAI2U
James2t3 oh wait
James2t3 swords
Ziekerz hiaz
<- Megadanxzero has disconnected (Ping timeout)
shiptoncraig M&S
Marzy Yay
Ziekerz Woooo
Marzy An alright game at last
17:24 MonkeyWiiPoke just in time for conference
MonkeyWiiPoke ^_^
shiptoncraig Brawl!
Marzy YES
Grumbler lol core gamers fihting
Grumbler over shit games
shiptoncraig need sonic
Ziekerz OH YEAH!
Grumbler can't wait to battle with giga bowser eye?
17:25 shiptoncraig lucky gits
IfritXVII Uk date Dec 03...................2008
knighty bastards
Marzy Lol
knighty XD
James2t3 confirms europe dont get it
knighty noone is making any noise
Ziekerz heh
Ziekerz i love america
17:26 Grumbler what is this bullshit?
Benmeister mario kart better come out this year over here
Marzy I dont know, but its definetly bullshit
Grumbler here to see games not marketing
knighty nintendo hate us
Grumbler all this stuff is already out
James2t3 lol
James2t3 go away women
shiptoncraig lol, feminists
17:27 Slydevil IT'S HIM
MonkeyWiiPoke my fingers smell of vagina juice
MonkeyWiiPoke pungent
17:28 Benmeister stings the nostrels
MonkeyWiiPoke taking a deep whiff right now
MonkeyWiiPoke hits u in the chest
Slydevil This is a bit shit
Marzy Its weird
Benmeister a bit?
MonkeyWiiPoke has the conference begun?
17:29 Slydevil Yes
knighty yeeees
Grumbler yes and it's shitecore
MonkeyWiiPoke how much have i missed?
Marzy Nothing
Grumbler loads of boring rubbish
MonkeyWiiPoke good
MonkeyWiiPoke wen did it begin?
Grumbler lightgun holder thing
Slydevil half hour of bore
Benmeister they better end with a bang
MonkeyWiiPoke and POKEMANZ announcments?
Grumbler no mokemanz yet
MonkeyWiiPoke hmmm
MonkeyWiiPoke phail total
17:30 Marzy Staes again...
Marzy states*
-> Megadanxzero has joined c3ate3
Slydevil oo
Marzy Boring gameplay
MonkeyWiiPoke HI THAR DAN
Benmeister dont clap that fucker
Marzy yay
James2t3 Metroid!
knighty MP3
knighty FINALLY
Megadanxzero Fuck's sake, fucking fuckers fucked my fucking internet cnnection
Benmeister i'd tap that
shiptoncraig finally indeed
knighty id hit it like the fist of an angry god
MonkeyWiiPoke aye
Marzy I hate MP
MonkeyWiiPoke indeedy
Marzy LOL
MonkeyWiiPoke low res FTL
shiptoncraig looks smooth
Megadanxzero Where are the tits
MonkeyWiiPoke i like her groans
17:31 MonkeyWiiPoke shes got nice hair
James2t3 ahhh keeps stuttering
Marzy It coould
Megadanxzero Err, they stole that from Second Sight
17:32 Marzy Boring...
knighty i was gonna say that
knighty but it's way more free dan
Grumbler gun has a bellend
knighty pedo suit?
Grumbler that's my verdict
Megadanxzero The morph ball looks so smooth *.*
Marzy shit llogo in the background
MonkeyWiiPoke looks nice
Megadanxzero I mean the animation of it
knighty ill wait for the high res footage
knighty lol
MonkeyWiiPoke shiny
Slydevil Looks sw=eeeet
Grumbler morph ball was always really smoth
MonkeyWiiPoke its the reginatoring
James2t3 yeah need hi res
17:33 James2t3 but sounds promising
Megadanxzero Yeah I meant the way it moved rather than the way it looked
Marzy Mario Kaart now
Marzy MK I bet
Marzy Mario Kart
Marzy is up next
MonkeyWiiPoke SSBB
Marzy I bet you
Megadanxzero What did I miss?
MonkeyWiiPoke PIMANZ
Ziekerz yes SSBB
Megadanxzero Did they say anything about the sword?
Ziekerz we neeeeed it
Slydevil (((
Marzy He we go
Ziekerz WOO!
Marzy MK
shiptoncraig not another
knighty OH FFS
Megadanxzero I didn't get the price of the zapper either...
knighty FOR
James2t3 nooooo not old games
knighty FUCKS
knighty SAKE
knighty GO
knighty THE
knighty FUCK
knighty AWAY
17:34 Marzy Jeez this is shite, sorry to swear
Grumbler nintendo are serious about friend codes
MonkeyWiiPoke i wanna see PIKMANZ
James2t3 My sims online?
Megadanxzero YAY, more stats!!!
Marzy *rolls eyes*
shiptoncraig less stats, more games
17:35 knighty why do they feel the need to show us statistics
James2t3 pffffft
knighty we dont give a shit
knighty noone does
knighty we can read it anywhere
Marzy He could fit it in his hands though
knighty lots of money for nintendo
Marzy Lol
James2t3 wii ware
James2t3 blz be good
Marzy nice
shiptoncraig I hope so
knighty vea
Marzy Same
knighty ewww
17:36 Grumbler is this the shareholder meeting by mistake?
James2t3 awwww
knighty VIA retard
Marzy YAY
shiptoncraig a new one
MonkeyWiiPoke PEDOZ
Marzy New channel
Marzy omg
James2t3 noo not voting
Marzy YES
shiptoncraig oh, Mii's
Grumbler gay
knighty bullshit
Marzy WOW!..... no?
knighty take home?
knighty LOL
knighty pedo heaven
knighty >_>;
Megadanxzero You can take home little kids using the Wii?
knighty XDDDDD
Marzy Please
MonkeyWiiPoke DD
17:37 Ziekerz no
knighty POKIMANZ
MonkeyWiiPoke yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
MonkeyWiiPoke yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Marzy I agree
Megadanxzero XD
Grumbler this is a joke
James2t3 Gah OLD GAME
Marzy No it doesn't
Marzy We do
MonkeyWiiPoke MADDEN
knighty see microsofts conference was good
knighty >_>
James2t3 smash face on keyboard
knighty madden has been in both conferences
MonkeyWiiPoke it was shit
knighty bullshit
shiptoncraig it sounded naff
17:38 shiptoncraig like this
Slydevil I love moicrosofts conf. now
Slydevil That fucking rocked
Marzy yay
Marzy Guitar Hero
James2t3 guitar hero
17:39 James2t3 exclusive?
MonkeyWiiPoke worst nintendo conference ever?
MonkeyWiiPoke engines?
Ziekerz agree
Slydevil Gashcroft bones reggiehard
MonkeyWiiPoke KARTTTTT
MonkeyWiiPoke !!
Grumbler last year was amaing
knighty YES YES
Megadanxzero XD
Megadanxzero Yaya
shiptoncraig Kart
Marzy Yep
James2t3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James2t3 aljhfa;ofhar;jgargaerg
Grumbler this is gay
James2t3 wefG
Marzy yay
Marzy omg
knighty NOOO
James2t3 noooooooooo
knighty NEXT YEAR
knighty FUCK YOU
James2t3 NOOOOO
knighty GO SUCK COCK
Megadanxzero XD
Ziekerz AHH!
Grumbler burn where is the megaton????????????????????????????????????????
knighty yes no more double karts
knighty awesome
Marzy Looks good
shiptoncraig looks like DS version
James2t3 battle mode finally online at least
17:40 MonkeyWiiPoke yeah it does
knighty lolz
Slydevil 0.o
James2t3 how does it controle though...
James2t3 ah i see
knighty oh god
Marzy OMG
shiptoncraig oh no, wheel
James2t3 lol
Marzy LOL
MonkeyWiiPoke wtf
knighty dear god
Grumbler jesus
Ziekerz XD
Marzy What is this?
James2t3 no clap lol
MonkeyWiiPokeHuge Ballbags
Sorry, there are no huge ballbags here (matter of opinion).
My 360 has been in Havant and allegedly Prague being repaired since the 27th, not expecting it back for a while. The disk drive was carving little tracks in my disks, as seen on Dutch TV. Pro-tip: Don't buy a 360 with a Samsung disk drive from the latter end of 2006.
Therefore I've been having a bit of a PS2 and Steam binge before the next gen barrage that starts in August (this is going to be one of the best years for games ever, no doubt about it). I'm looking for a job for the rest of this year to pay for my gap year, so whilst not completing application forms and eating huge cheap pub lunches, I've been playing:
The longest Journey (steam):
Forza 2 FTW!
Look what I maded!
v My Pals v
It's well good like!College is teh suXXorz
I need to let off some steam...
I fucking hate going to college. I hate all my subjects and I hate everything in between.
When you finish your GCSEs at a state school like I did, you expect things to get a little bit more sensible. I chose not to go to one of the ever-so-slightly-posh 6th form school places and went to the college over the road from my school, mainly because it boasted a more University-like atmosphere where they supposedly give you more self responsibility. I also wouldn't have to travel tens of miles every day on a bus crappier than the one I already have to go on, it does a massive range of courses (with mainly decent results, for what it's worth) and most of my friends were going there. I didn't even bother visiting any other places because they're all practically the same as secondary schools, some of them even have fucking uniforms.
So off I went to this college a couple of Septembers ago, pick the courses that interest me and OH FUCK IT ALL GOES DOWN FROM HERE.
1st mistake - I never see any of my friends in college, ever, because despite going to the same place at the same time, they're all doing different subjects and their timetables are reverse images of mine. They're all doing wishy washy stuff like English and psychology that every boring person on the planet is also doing. That's not to say I've chosen wacko stuff, I'm doing stuff like French, economics, politics, stuff that's in demand and/or in theory interesting and brain enriching.
So I think, oh well, I'm not here to chat or have a social life, rather do the subjects I want than ones I don't and fail them all out of boredom. Anyway, I should be making NEW friends.
As the year goes on, it's OK, I've got nice enough people in my classes. There's the odd half-friend from school I can talk to.
But things start to worry me. Firstly, this is all exactly like school, it's just that your parents won't get nicked if you don't go. You still have almost as many lessons and just as much trivial 'homework for the sake of homework'.
Secondly, these new friends I'm supposed to be making, these people aren't really my type... besides, all the people I haven't already known for 5 years all seem to come from places at least 30 miles away because all the neighbouring boroughs do really shit education.Oh well, just plough on! Wait a minute, these subjects I picked because they looked interesting are BORING ME TO FUCKING TEARS. I used read newspapers and listen to the today program and question time and everything, because I was interested in politics, now I barely watch the bloody TV news.
But you're in far too deep at this stage to change your mind. I thought I was going to enjoy college more because I was doing 4 things you I like instead of 13 things I hate, but in reality I'm doing 4 things I now hate, in massive quantities.
So exams come round. End of level boss is dead, and I spunked on his face with an A. The rest were shite but let's not go into that.
At the end of the year you get to drop a subject, which is nice, only that I'd like to drop them all, but I can't because I need some qualifications so that I can proceed to the 'real life' level or the 'university' level.
And so another year of misery unfolds.
For Sale: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC)
In super dooper condition, looking for
Christmas Sale!
Christmas Sale!
I desperately need money to buy christmas presents for friends and family after selfishly blowing all my cash on a 360...for myself...
- All items are UK PAL
- All games are complete with box and manual unless noted otherwise
- All prices include postage and packaging
- Payment via Bank Transfer preferred, but no additional Paypal charge
- I'd prefer cash at the moment, but feel free to offer swaps
- Buy 3 games and get the cheapest freezorz!
Title - Condition - price
Fable: The Lost Chapters (classics version) - Mint -
Buy mine too! Or I Be Execute! Special Price!
Clearing out some stuff. Payment by paypal, all prices include devilery.
If you buy more than one item give you discount!
I welcome swaps, offer me anything.
PlaystationUK PAL Sony PSone (slimline) + matching controller and usual cables & PSU
Was it for real?
On my way to see my friends
who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh)
As I walked through the subway
it must have been about quarter past three
In front of me
stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body
She asked me for the time
I said it'd cost her her name
a six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nineDid she decline? No
Didn't she mind? I don't think so
Was it for real? Damn sure
What was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24
So was she keen? She couldn't wait
Cinnamon queen? let me update
What did she say? She said she'd love to
She asked me what we were gonna do
said we'd start with a bottle of moet for twoMonday
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
I met this girl on Monday
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on SundayNine was the time
cos I'll be getting mine
and she was looking fine
Smooth talker
she told me
She'd love to unfold me all night long
Ooh I loved the way she kicked it
from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the
way she
kicked it)
And I oh oh I yeah
hope that she'd care
cos I'm a man who'll always be thereOoh yeah
I'm not a man to play around baby
Ooh yeah
cos a one night stand isn't really fair
From the first impression girl hmm you don't seem to be like that
Cos there's no need to chat for there'll be plenty for that
From the subway to my home
endless ringing of my phone
When you feeling all alone
all you gotta do
is just call me call meMonday
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
I met this girl on Monday
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday(Break it down, uh break it down)
Since I met this special lady
ooh yeah
I can't get her of my mind
She's one of a kind
And I ain't about to deny it
It's a special kind thing
with you-oh.......Monday
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
I met this girl on Monday
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on SundayEternal Master
This post millenium requires an identity change.
If you're still getting my old avater, refresh the page.