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Almost a 1000 posts, over 3 years.

Greetings fellow C3'ers I'd just like to make this blog thanking you for the great 3 years that I've had here.

Sure, I may not of been active on the forums until my 2nd year or so but when I first entered that Brawl chat on 02/07/11 as a guest I knew straight away that this was the place for me.

There may of been a few nuisances around the chat (I'll just throw one name out there to see if you can remember) like d.pokemon but there was a flurry of great people too. A lot of them who are still here. *Clears throat for a second* I would like to thank the following people for giving me a warm welcome to the C3 family;

Ike - One of my first friends here, went on to join numerous Brawl clans/communities with him. Haven't spoke to him for a while but I still consider him a good friend.

Marzy - I've always thought Ross was a great guy, but only until recently I never knew how much we had in common. I don't think anyone likes Wario as much as he does though.

SuperLink - Well, well, well. Josh is one of the guys that pretty much forced me to start posting on the forums. Without him, I probably wouldn't of been that well known around here. We could never get a decent game on Brawl together, which sucked since I always wanted to brawl with either him or Cam.

JB - Jorge, Jeebs, God. Whatever you want to call him. He is the one that started this whole thing and he will get one of the biggest thanks for creating one of the best Nintendo communities evar! I always stop by C3 when I get a little bored. (That's when it isn't down, of course... Smilie )

There are plenty of other members I would like to thank, but I don't want this to go on forever so I'll just mention a few;
Echoes221, SirLink, Azuardo, Phoenixus, IfritXXII, L, LKR000, Kafei2006 and a few more whose usernames I have forgotten. xD

I hope to meet many more fantastic people as my time at C3 progresses. Cya around the forums, people. Smilie

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