Notice: Cubed3 are no longer accepting new reader blogs (as of 17th January 2015). Existing blog entries will be available to read, archived below.

Its been over a year since my last Blog... Whoops

Now Playing: Animal Crossing (Again)

Hey guys and girls,

Hows the Cubed3 bus hanging? I kinda fell out of love with my 3DS for a bit and it didn't help when I cracked the screen.

But alas, I now have a 3DS XL! And Luigi's Mansion 2 and Animal Crossing too boot! WOOP! (As some may remember, Luigi's Mansion was one of my fave GC games!)

So playing AC, I have forgotten a bunch of things, like does fruit grow back ever 24 hours? or is it the 3 day cycle that I think it is, but may not be? And how do I buy a damn water can... "water the plants Lee" TELL ME WHERE TO BUY ONE AND I WILL! grr Smilie
And how do I get those baloon presents?

So add me and drop your 3DS Friends code. below.

Mines 2621-2727-1060



Now Playing: Mario Land 3D

So I know some of you may remember me from a while back. I spent lots on Nintendo products.
Some of you may remember that Nintendo used to add cool things to their club store. Sometimes though things went so fast you had no chance!
Now for some reason they added expire dates to these points.
So I thought to myself, lets check out the Nintendo Club account I have and see how many points expire.

Below is the activiy on my account. Remember I was saving for signed Shigsy Gear.

31/07/2010 Expired Stars -350
30/06/2010 Expired Stars -250
31/05/2010 Expired Stars -250
28/02/2010 Expired Stars -250
31/01/2010 Expired Stars -200
30/11/2009 Expired Stars -1330
31/08/2009 Expired Stars -250
31/07/2009 Expired Stars -250
01/07/2008 Expired Stars -9650

Nasty huh. Everyone on here will notice the last one. Must of been when they added the "Club Point Expiry date"

May Complain. just to see what I can get out of them.

I totally forgot about this.

Now Playing: Pokemon White (Still)
Now Listening to: the sound of a running bath
Now Watching: YOU!

So I set this up as my website years and years ago on here. Was mainly for a laugh.
Checked it on my weekley catchup here to see a lot of people have checked it out.

Made me chuckle.

BTW Don't click this link. You will die

A New Challenger Enters!

Now Playing: What do you think?

So I have one. Add me on your 3DS and reply below and I will add you Smilie

2621 - 2727 - 1060

Image for

This makes me smile

Smash Brothers - Snake Codecs

3DS.... undecided

I never really was a zelda fan, even though I had a Nintendo 64, I never really thought I would like them. I was more into Goldeneye, and games like Mari and Banjo.

When the GC came around I did gra Wind Waker and I played it and enjoyed it very much...So all these years on and Zelda OOT is on the 3DS. Now I could trade in my DS lite and get some cash off a 3DS and get one for around £150. But is it worth it?

I mean apart from the Nintendo games which were annouced at the E3 conference, I don't see any other big games that would get me riled for it.

Thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.


Pokemon White

Now Playing: Pokemon White
Now Listening to: Pokemon White

So I have played it for 130 hours and I have 4 gym badges.

I play games differently it appears

Rock Band 3 - Welcomes the Keyboard

Yes its true, the Keyboard is coming!!!

Just Decided....

Now Playing: Pokemon Soul Silver
Now Watching: Channel 4

I will be getting Pokemon White Smilie

Oi Jorge..... or someone else...

Now Playing: Pokemon Soul Silver

Whats the mushroom thing all about..... lol

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