Well i got my import copy through the other day and this as well as mario kart have been taking up quite alot of my time. It's taking some time to get used to the controls, i appreciate they have and extensive customisation option but i still can;t get to grips with it.
Im sure given time that i will adapt to the fighting system too, which at the moment i'm struggling with i dont think i'll be having many online matches untill i've nailed it all.
other than that its a graet game.
Well after my little rant earlier in the week, It seems as thou Nintendo were on the ball with the time trials. I have been posting my team and regulary checking the rankings and seems as thou the cheat is no longer happening. From what i have read Nintendo are currently sifting through all posted times and removing those that do not complete the full 3 laps.
I order Super Smash Bros US version now im just waiting for it to arrive and i really do who the wii freeloader works...
It's been a long time coming but am i glad it finally came on the 11.4.08.. The launch of Mario Kart Wii.
I have been playing this game non stop sine then have found a a really enjoyable game. Although there are a few things that i think they should have left well alone, Im sure you will all agree that the battle mode should never have been modified and has removed alot of the enjoyment and tac tics that once was. I for one would have like to have seen every man for himself, hopefully nintendo will amend this and provide some sort of a game updated to allow this mode. Only time will tell.
Other that i think it is one of the best games online, (i know brawl will be) but it's not out in europe yet. Damn it!!!
My main Gripe now with Mario Kart wii is the online Time trial mode. After shaving seconds of my lap time and checking out the leading contenders it dawn on me after watching what i though to be a riducously fast time it wasnt and has totally ruined the experience of my online time trialing. having watched the replay for someone who manage to get 44secs on luigi circuit found that they were not even doing the full three laps and couldnt understand how their time's have even been classified. I of all people didnt think this would happen and hope that nintendo are aware of this and can sort this out... After all the enjoyment is knowing that i manage to take that short cut of i found a quiker faster way of getting round the courses with resorting to the down right dirty play i have seen so far. Any way enough said, im off back online to kick some ass....