I'm fat.I've At times questioned the very reason of my existance. Everyone I know hates me, jsut because I am overweight. I was the butt of all jokes, and rumors quickly spreaded around about me, I tried to smile, but inside I was broken.
I now have a new inspiration, a reason to go on. I;ve recently met some great friends, who don;t give a s*** what I look like. Andrew, the best friend I've ever had, John, crazy but a nice person, Christian, been friends for quite awhile. But one of them is probably the biggest thing that make me go on.
I've always been hated by girls, and I had given up on ever finding one who didn't care who i was on the outside. I findly found one. Her name is Trisha. She is a teenage girl, and I care for her alot, and I know she cares for me alot.
She is my new inspiration, and I guess it is true, there ia aomeone out there for everyone. If you havn't found that person yet, just hold on. It will come sooner then you think.
O.K. so here goes.
It is mid February and we have had a few snow storms here In Erie, Pennsylvania, U.S.A but not a ton. But, when we do have storms, almost every single school cancels but I still have to go dang school because my stubborn principal thinks that if he gets even a few students at school it's worth it. He is a pretty cool principal I just hate how damn stubborn he is about snow days.
And now, on to non-school related topics, I downloaded some music, failed a few tests (wait that is still school related) and other than downloading music, going to school, and failing tests, I've pretty much been on here. I think I've posted like 30 times so far this weekend and it is only Saturday and I still got Sunday and Monday (US President's Day) off!
So yeah, i'm sure you probably yawned the whole time you read this, but that is todays blog entry.