Now, the thing I'm wondering is, how is the revolution supposed to register a loop with the remote? Surely if you turn the sensor away from the tv, the Revolution stops registering for a while.
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Now, the thing I'm wondering is, how is the revolution supposed to register a loop with the remote? Surely if you turn the sensor away from the tv, the Revolution stops registering for a while.
I believe it doesn't use the pointing device alone, it uses gyroscopes (or some other thing similar) as well. I'd think this means it can sense tilting, twisting, shaking, pointing, etc..
Right, could very well be. Although I thought gyroscopes were too expensive.
Ahh, that's the beauty of it bart, so many features rolled into one.
The sensor on the front of the remote is, in my guess, purely an infra-red one to power the Revolution on/off. Other than this, everything else will run wirelessly al-la the Wavebird. The controller will not have to point at the TV or the Revolution for anything other than turning it on or off: twisting of the controller will likely work as pre Wario Ware Twisted (little gyro's within the cart/controller) and the rest of 3D space movement will be picked up by the sensor bar which will sit under your TV and be connected directly to the console (likely wired I'd say).
( Edited on 19.04.2006 12:00 by nry )
It had better not be another torn apart version of a beloved series....
i wonder what would happen if you were to violently shake the controller in ways that a plane can not move.
Could Flight game = Pilot wings?!
To some degree, it could make sense. Maybe i'm looking too much into it though. But using the revmote as a plane, could be useful. Maybe it could be something like Toy commander on the DC. Flying a wind up plane around a house and completing Toy Story like tasks?
This is all that is known for now, but it could be speculated that this is describing a new version of Pilotwings, since Hudson are a trusted partner of Nintendo. It may also be an update of old Hudson game 'Dog Fighter'.
From the news story itself. I'm betting it is Pilotwings.