shenmue 3 will it ever appear?

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i was hoping if anyone here had any information about shenmue 3 if it is comming out last i heard they were thinking of putting it on the gamecube or the xbox but (for the cube with all of the seris in one boxset)
if you have any information please tell me i love the seris please?
evil flame

The last I heard about it is that it will be on the Xbox two, but there is a small chance of it appearing on the Xbox.

Just to dash your hopes, the chance on it coming out on the gamecube is about... ohh, zero.

I like that GameCube idea, that would be the perfect world. I hope they do another Shenmue but those games are expensive so its far from certain.

thanks blizz i feel so much better though my brother wants it more than me i want it mainly the fact i can't get on his xbox often

I see it coming out on X-Box more than anything else, but if the next generation Nintendo console has higher capacity discs that could do it justice, then it's possible that it could get it as well. I've heard rumours about it being on the X-Box for so long though that I couldn't really see it coming out for any other platform anymore.

Who's the developer, Sega? I can't really imagine it on GameCube, shame.

Wait for E3. If it's coming then they'll probably announce something there.

Yep, Sega.

I don't know, it just doesn't seem a very 'Gamecube-y' game to me. I think it needs a console with online functions if it's to expand, and the X-Box has the best.

The first two games were so fooking brillian weren't they?

I really do hope this somehow makes its way onto a Nintendo console.

While searching what the game was actually about (for some reason I got excited because I thought the game contained Ninja, but alas it doesn't) I stumbled across this

Just thought it was relevant for the thread, as sorta falls under a third installment of the game.

If the games does make it onto a Nintendo console I'll definately be purchasing it, as it does sound like an interesting game...

This whole topic has actually made me consider buying a Dreamcast just for Shenmue, I've always been interested in the games and whenever it gets mentioned I'm just reminded of the fact.

I actually would have purchased a Dreamcast when I could have, but by the time of its release over here I pretty much knew its fate... and back then I couldn't afford to buy a console that was going to fall... very sad.

I was looking on eBay for them about an hour ago, you can get them for like

It hasa huge collection of classics. Anyone who hasn't owned a DC at some point should buy one. They're great. Guess most of you Nintendo fans overlooked it though.

Why does it always have to come back to bashing Nintendo or Nintendo fans with little comments? Don't make assumptions - it may not have been just directed at me, but I was the biggest Sega fan ever before the N64.

i dont know what shenmue is but does it have anything to do with this?

I AM TEH 1337 GAMORZ U R ALL NOOBS X-BOX AND GAYSTATION SUCKORZ!!!!!!111111 this was a noob poster moment brought to you by bobmcbob

Guess most of you Nintendo fans overlooked it though

Nice stereotyping there, though I'd say that it was more likely that an intelligent gamer would try to avoid buying a product that was literally dieing (even if it was a mistake it the long run). I would have been happy to see the Dreamcast have succeeded, the industry needs proper competition and not just money-grabbing.

i dont know what shenmue is but does it have anything to do with this?

Smilie could say 'sort of'. It's easier to just link you to some information. That clip was a funny piss-take of it.

[ Edited by Mason on 2005/4/4 17:46 ]

Oh yeah, said that because people who are into Nintendo seem to stick to their consoles, on the whole. Whereas Xbox/PS2 owners would have other consoles too.

ChrisMGS wrote:
Oh yeah, said that because people who are into Nintendo seem to stick to their consoles, on the whole. Whereas Xbox/PS2 owners would have other consoles too.

But don't many people on this forum, who've been drawn here by the common interest of Nintendo, also own PS2s, PSPs and X-Boxes?

Oh yeah, said that because people who are into Nintendo seem to stick to their consoles, on the whole. Whereas Xbox/PS2 owners would have other consoles too.

Another insulting generalization, unprovoked this time too...

Anyone who disses da dreamcast is a FAT LOAD!

yeah but there is no point really buying a dreamcast for shenmue since shenmue 2 is also realeased on the xbox.
some sad news was even though realeasing shenmue 2 after a long time about 2 or so years probaly longer they cut out alot of the story sadly.
And also shenmue the chapters are suspose to go up to 15 so really should be 15 games but they have been cutting the sotry down so much its not 3 Smilie
on the birght side in shnmue 2 you get the movie of the first game wicked! Smilie

yeah but there is no point really buying a dreamcast for shenmue since shenmue 2 is also realeased on the xbox.

Why? The original isn't on xbox and I hate starting series half-way through. A 2nd hand Dreamcast and a copy of Shenmue will cost you much less than a new-release game - and really its one of the best games it is, everyone needs to experience it its as simple as that. Then if you like that, you'll be able to pick up Shenmue 2 on Dreamcast, which actually is regarded as better than the xbox version, not to mention you'll now own a Dreamcast - and you'll have access to lots of very modern games most of which are selling for less than

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