Rising Star Delays No More Heroes...Again

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.02.2008 22

Rising Star Games has announced yet another delay for Suda 51's crazed assassin in No More Heroes.

"This has been our biggest production run for a video game. We just want to make sure we can supply everyone."

Martin Defries, COO, Rising Star Games

The title had previously been pushed into March from its February release, and now has been delayed further to March 14th 2008.

Thanks to MCV for the tip.

Box art for No More Heroes

Grasshopper Manufacture


Rising Star





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Whoops. Ah well, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Damn...sorry guys! There's always import if you want!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Pffff. Bullshit. Taking too long! Supposed to be out this month n' all.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

why are all the good games delayed!!!(rhetorical question)

Why? They took out all the good bits (blood) what could possibly cause a delay this time?

Simez said:
Why? They took out all the good bits (blood) what could possibly cause a delay this time?


The Article said:
blah blah blah...supply...etc etc etc

Yeah I read the post and hit the reply button without reading lol

Btw, how do we tell N-Europe to push back their No More Heroes countdown due to this delay?

>_< this was going to full in to smash come out now 2 of them are later then i was hoping

So when do us Australians will get this bloodless game...

Next Year I supposedSmilie

..Simple and Clean..

Delay sucks, but now I have a little more time to get up the 35 quid, so I'm not too fussed.Smilie

Jump_button said:
>_< this was going to full in to smash come out now 2 of them are later then i was hoping
Even after reading it 3 times, I still don't know what you're trying to say. Smilie

Canyarion: He thinks, that both cames come out almost simulatneously, so you have to buy and play them both at once.
Poor jump. *patpat*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I think he means that if you put both discs inside the Wii at the same time something MAGICAL will happen!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Jump_button translation service:

Jump_button said:
>_< [No More Heroes] was going to [give me something to play whilst waiting for Super] Smash come out. Now [both games] are [being released] later [than] I was hoping [would be the case].

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Meh, it's not such a bad thing, I mean come on, it's only been delayed two weeks, and it was to be release earlier here than most people expected anyway...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It hasn't been totally ripped of the blood as far as I can tell from the media on nomoreheroes.co.uk

Plus, it keeps that nice manga type splatter and dissolve effect which I've seen in the japanese version. Real fun Smilie

Phew! Im running out of money and am relying on a set back to afford it. Yay!

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

this reminds of of something... BRAWL!!!!

Mr 1000th post

Hey, are they advertising this for you guys? Because in NZ I have not even seen a single ad. Not even a poster or anything of the like in EB Games.

It hasn't advertised yet, though I think it's early for that.

Jump_button translation service ftw.

Bit of a bitch this, it is only another week I suppose.

Yeah...After playing it, I want more.

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