Nintendo Media | MySims Screens (Wii)

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.05.2007 18

EA have revealed a few new screens from the upcoming Nintendo-exclusive Sims outing for Wii, giving the classic franchise a fresh lick of paint for a new generation.

MySims is due to hit stores in Q2 2007.

Box art for MySims








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (16 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date 2007   Japan release date 2007   Australian release date TBA   

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Animal crossing graphics.

It is basically a decent looking Animal crossing. But I think I might prefer this to AC.

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

n64 graphics anyone?

It doesn't look that different to the DS version.

I have never played a Sims game to date, it has not interested me in the past.

Now with the graphics change it is slightly more appealing, but in truth this looks like such a AC rip off and i reckon AC Wii will have far more charm than this can muster.

That bridge looks like it's been copied from AC on the cube!.

Does it have online play, what's the deal e o with these Sims games?, how do they work?, all i know is that they are VERY popular worldwide. LS

( Edited on 02.05.2007 14:59 by Linkyshinks )

I found the PC sims games WAY better than any animal crossing game.

Got to build a house (not possible in AC)

Sims was funnier - seeing them get into cartoon dustball fights or peeing them selfs was quite funny, many other scenarios aswell like being abducted, ghosts appearing.

I dunno if this will be the same though all the sims games on consoles were crap. I do like the sound of customiable objects though.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Functional, to say the least...

I've never been interested in playing a Sims game until now. Not because of the graphics (although I do find them a tad more appealing) but down to some of the gameplay footage I've watched. It looks pretty cool to play ^^

The whole fun thing with the Sims was getting to design your house. You had so many options after a few expansions it was great, but this seems to have removed most of that...

Plus it looks like shite too...riding the AC bandwagon.

I still think this looks brilliant. It makes a change from the boring original styled games.

I can't see anything going wrong with this, it looks fun and stylish. Sure I know it won't be as good as Animal Crossing, but I still reckon it will be a lot better than previous Sims games and I'll probably get it.

It does look like AC but AC looks amazing.

I've never ever liked the sims ... ever. My girlfriend insisted on buggering up my RAM with The Sims 2 because her computer runs like a bag of smashed arseholes.

The whole process of her creating a house from scratch, and then creating characters absolutely specific to me and her, and insisting I look at it - was daunting.

This game however, seems to have adopted a certain pull to it. I'm at least going to try it out. Also, the build your own unique furniture feature rules too.


Creating New Sig...Eventually

This looks so simple that I'm getting turned off. I thought it would be pretty cool but...

Linkyshinks said:
...Does it have online play?

I doubt it will. It is forecast for Q2 2007. Since Nintendo isn't allowing 3rd party devs to do any online stuff until after this year, I wouldn't be surprised if there were no online. Online play would make it even more fun. Without it, it doesn't even stand a remote chance in beating Animal Crossing for the Wii.

I never enjoyed actually playing Sims or Sims II. I however loved making the houses and especially creating my character. But the actual gameplay is too tedious and boring.


damn im sure EA will try and boost the graphics once they actually know the system a little better. Be happy this is an exclusive and ONLINE!

I Rule.

That last picture is especially similar to Animal Crossing. Could be worse.

Well there's the incontrovertible proof that I was wrong, and the Wii in fact is not basically a GC in a new case... Smilie

Oni-Ninja said:
Well theres the incontrovertible proof that I was wrong, and the Wii in fact is not basically a GC in a new case... Smilie

C'mon Oni, it isn't a re-branded GC. It's a good bit stronger. Do you expect this game to take advantage of that? Be patient darn it! Kids these days want everything right now.Smilie

( Edited on 03.05.2007 19:22 by Jacob4000 )

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