UK News | Nintendo to Relaunch GameCube?

By Adam Riley 13.10.2004 1

Nintendo to Relaunch GameCube...
...Last Ditch Attempt to Crack UK?

By now everybody knows about how woeful the GameCube performs here in the UK, constantly being pushed around by Sony's PS2 and Microsoft's XBOX. Whilst some of its larger titles manage to break into the Top Ten chart, it is fast becoming a less regular occurrence, with those that do succeed, only doing so for a week or two at the most.

However, since the price of the console is currently so low and since the current bundles and Player's Choice games appear to be making little impact at all on the situation, Nintendo could well be taking a drastic step this Christmas.

According to sources, popular retail outlet Toys 'R Us is expecting something large from Nintendo in the next few months that is not new software, a special bundle or extra accesory. In fact, the move is being likened to a complete GameCube re-launch. The store is rapidly trying to move its line of purple GCs, practically giving them away to people - with the marvellous four game bundle offer that includes Pok

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